Blue Umbrella Official Thanksgiving_Christmas Issue-1 | Page 4

W HAT ARE YOUR TRADITIONS? by RJ D. Students Respond to A OA Surv ey I n November and December, the Blue Umbrella sent out two surveys to students on the student center. Each survey asked the same thing: ?W hat are your traditions?? Academy celebrate with their families. T he first survey concerned T hanksgiving traditions, and the second survey concerned Christmas traditions. A total of 32 responses came in ? 19 from the T hanksgiving survey and 13 from the Christmas survey. Students also sent in pictures of themselves decorating for the holidays with their families and cooking for T hanksgiving. Several students watch the Macy?s Day parade on T hanksgiving. Another student has a large T hanksgiving meal with their community. One student said that a week before Christmas her family goes caroling door- to- door and also passes out homemade cookies. Another student is involved in an annual, full- size Bethlehem re- creation at her church. T here were 3 questions per survey, asking students about their favorite holiday tradition:W hy was it their favorite tradition and what did they learn from it? I t was fascinating to read all of the diverse and interesting traditions that students at Alpha Omega T he last, and most important question, was: ?W hat do you learn from the tradition?? T hough there were many answers, several common themes ran through them all: family, others, and drawing closer to Jesus Christ. Many of us are bombarded by the warped, commercial view of Christmas in the United States. I t?s important that we don?t forget that the reason for the season isn?t the presents we receive, the fantastic shopping deals, or the lights on the houses. T he reason for the season is Jesus. As the famous verse John 3:16 says, ?For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.? (KJV) As we at AOA journey together through the Christmas season and the New Year, keep in mind the equally important. but lesser known I John 3:16 which says, ?T his is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.? (NI V) A big thank you to all who participated in our survey!