Blue Umbrella Official Thanksgiving_Christmas Issue-1 | Page 2
Tips and Tricks to Kic
hen the holidays come
around, a break from school is a
nice treat. You can kick-back, relax,
and temporarily forget about those
long math exams and history
projects. But after all the crazy fun,
sugar-filled food, and wild
all-nighters, students can often have
trouble recovering when jumping
back into the normal school
schedule. Starting another semester
after the holidays can be tricky, but
the teachers at AOA have a few
helpful tips and tricks for students
who struggle with getting back into
the school year.
M ake wise cho ices -
M s. H unsberger
Mr. Gesch tells us, ?Don?t try
to stay on vacation schedule once
you start school again. Reach out to
teachers whenever you have any
questions. We are here to help you
and to answer your questions.?
The teachers at AOA love to help
their students, and encourage them
to ask questions when needed.
Ms. Hunsberger says to ?Set
yourself up for success and set at
least one goal per week that you
want to achieve.?
One way to do that is by
taking a look at the projects for the
units so that you can get an idea of
what needs to be done. ?It might
work well to take a look at projects
right away when you start the unit.
Fo cus o n sho rt -t erm
go als and t ake it o ne
st ep at a t im e - M r.
H arringt o n
If you are always late turning
in projects, or maybe just like to put
them off, it might work well to take
a look at them right away when you
start the unit?.
Mrs. Klimes encourages
students to read over the
instructions clearly so that a better
understanding of them can lead to
less confusion.
Mr. Harrington says that
?spending even twenty minutes a
day working on a project will get it
done while still letting you focus on
your other schoolwork, as well.?