Blue Umbrella Official Summer 2017 issue | Page 11

Q: How do you plan t o u se t h is sch olar sh ip? A: I learned so much at this conference, which was the scholarship. I was able to meet some of the coolest people, and learn from the world?s greatest minds. I will, of course, use all of the knowledge I learned here to make apps that connect people and make the world a better place. Q: Wh at st eps can f ellow st u den t s t ak e t o get sch olar sh ips? growing my YouTube channel so I could live off of its income. If Facebook doesn?t work out, I am planning on either getting a job at another programming company, starting my own, or getting a job at the Apple Store so I can go to college (Apple pays for your college). Q: Wh at else can you t ell u s abou t t h is sch olar sh ip? A: To be honest when I got to the dorms on the first day I was thinking I was just A: Every year Apple going to see a whole offers it to 350 people bunch of males so you have a chance and Americans, but I that you should take. was completely I would suggest for wrong. There was so young people to much diversity. It download was awesome. I was swift playgrounds on Sen ior Kasey Sch lau dt r eceived t h e Apple able to meet people the iPad to learn a bit Developer sch olar sh ip an d w as pr ivileged t o go t o WWDC t o exper ien ce a on ce in a lif et im e from almost about coding, or for oppor t u n it y. every continent, and other people there I mainly hung out are online courses on with people from France, Spain, Udemy, YouTube, and many more. Once you Germany, India, the Caribbean, and get a good understanding of coding, you can the Netherlands. I learned so much about make pretty much anything. And then just different cultures and met life long friends. I make sure you read the instructions really, also learned a ton about code. I can?t wait ?till really well when you are applying. There I get this job at Facebook, so I can start where a lot of people who made apps this working on new technologies year when the instructions were to make like ?Augmented Reality? in my free time. This a Playground. Finally, you should probably event is truly "coder heaven." Also, as a have a close purpose behind your project; all scholarship winner they treat you way better. the projects I saw had to do with something It is almost like you are the most important the developer held close to their heart. person on earth to them. They give so much Q:Wh at ar e you r plan s f or t h e f u t u r e? away for free, and if you have any questions they are happy to help, and they create a A: I want to program for the rest of my life. great atmosphere that no one wants to leave. Right now I am studying for an interview at Facebook, and if that is what God wants me Sou n ds lik e a dr eam com e t r u e! to do, I will get the job. I am also working on Con gr at u lat ion s, Kasey!