By: W illiam M.
AOA Logo
Gets a Face Lift
A logo is a symbol adopted by
organizations to give themselves
recognition. Logos are used on equipment,
forms of communication and
advertisements. Recently, Alpha Omega
Academy changed its logo to give the
school a fresh, modern appearance.
One notable change in the logo was the
removal of the formal Greek letters, ?Alpha
Omega?, and its replacement with simple
shapes. Also, an open book was placed on
the top part of the new logo. However, the
most significant changes were the
removals of Veritas Ex Deo (Truth from
God) and Proverbs 16:20 (? ..and whoever
trusts in the Lord, happy is he.).
According to Principal Joe Bakker, AOA?s
marketing team came up with the idea to
get a new logo last fall. Students did not
part icipate in the development; however,
the final logo design was approved by the
Senior Vice-President of Alpha Omega
Publications. This led to the new logo
being launched on March 15, 2017.
According to Mr. Bakker, the new logo
represents the inspiration and lessons
from Revelation 1:8. The lesson is ?As
Christians all aspects of the world and our
lives are permeated by Christ.? Also, the
new logo was chosen because it was
simpler. The new logo?s simplicity makes it
easier to recognize, incorporate into
emails, and helps with a variety of design
The removal of Veritas Ex Deo and
Proverbs 16:20 does not signify that AOA is
becoming secular. Mr. Bakker addressed
this saying, ?No not at all. Alpha Omega
Academy is just as committed to Christian
education as we always have been. This
means that AOA teaches all subjects from
a Christian world view and one of the key
goals of our school is to share the truth of
God?s word with our students.?
In a lot of instances, a logo change
signifies a change in direction and
tradition. However, Alpha Omega
Academy?s connection with Christianity will
remain and be encouraged to strengthen.