Wh at did you do t h is su m m er ? That
seems like a big question to think about
when a summer can hold so many
different activities and memories. About
a month ago, AOA sent out a survey
asking not only the students, but also the
faculty, different questions on what they
usually do in the summer.
The questions asked what type of things
they usually do, such as sports, camps, or
church activities. Another question was
whether or not you are involved in any
service projects in your community. A
total of 37 responses rolled in, and it was
exciting to see all the different answers to
the interesting questions asked.
The most tricky, but also most important
question of the survey was, ?What was
the biggest impact that you see in giving
of yourself to help others?? A lot of
people can read this question differently
and get confused by it, but the creative
answers to this question were amazing!
Some of the answers were ?They are
getting to know Christ more and more as
we help them? and ?The chance to
change their lives and possibly give them
new found hope.?
" and i f you spend
yoursel v es i n beh al f of
th e h ungry and sati sf y
th e needs of th e
oppressed, th en your
l i gh t w i l l ri se i n th e
dark ness, and your ni gh t
w i l l become l i k e th e
noonday." Isaiah 58;10b.
It seems that all of the responses were
tied together by three words: love, hope,
and obedience. One of the responses
that really hit the nail on the head was,
?The biggest impact would be how you
bless those that you help. There are
many impacts though, including showing
Jesus to those that you help, making
Jesus happy, and it also makes you
Just as Isaiah 58:10b says, ?and if you
spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the darkness,
and your night will become like the
It is our job as Christians to rise up and
spread the Word of Jesus to the lost parts
of the world through serving and loving.
It was amazing reading all the unique,
Christ-centered responses sent in. Thank
you for all who participated.