Blue Umbrella Official Summer 2017 issue | Page 15
Q: Has social m edia
h elped you in an y w ay?
A: Since social media usage
is so practical, it is an easy
way to share people?s
talents and skills including
dance, art, music, or even
comedy. Being able to be
who people truly are
increases their confidence
in themselves and shows
them opportunities such
as jobs, and ways to
achieve their dreams.
?Social media has helped
me break out of my shell
and be more open about
my passions.? -@regina...
Q: Wh at h ave you gain ed
or lost sin ce you got in t o
social m edia?
should, which can get to
lead to eye problems, bad
posture, and not much
physical activity.
?Because of social media
we miss the chance to be
with our real friends to be
in the virtual world? -
Q: Wh at is you r opin ion
on an on ym ou s people
social m edia?
A: ?I think anonymous
people on social media
can be scary, you have to
be careful what you say to
people and never give out
to much information.?
they were busy and when
they were with friends,
they tried not to use it at
all, but instead enjoy the
Q: Do you t h in k t h at
social m edia is an easy
w ay t o sh ow a f ak e lif e?
A: Most agreed that it is
very easy to show a
different personality, style,
or life when all people see
are pictures or videos of
just little moments and not
of a general lifestyle.
?Yes, but this is a terrible
mistake. We have to be
ourselves and be proud of
who we are? -@disney...
A: All agreed in the fact
that they have gained a
few friends, and have not
lost much. It is very dangerous and
people have to be very
careful about who they talk
to, and must not give
others specific or detailed
information about them. Q: If t h e social m edia
apps sim ply sh u t dow n
an d did n ot open again ,
w h at do you t h in k w ill be
you r r eact ion , an d ot h er
people's r eact ion ?
? I gained friends, gained
fun and entertainment.?
-@sabrina... Q: How m u ch t im e do
you spen d in social
m edia? Q: Wh at do you con sider
som e disadvan t ages of
social m edia? A: The answers to this one
were more like a 50/50.
Half of them said that they
used social media way too
much time, practically all
day (11-12 hours daily).
The other half said that
they controlled more the
usage of their phone when A: People would be very
disappointed, because if
that really happened, they
would lose an useful tool
for communication with
friends and family. Also,
they would lose some job
or project opportunities
that were easy to reach
through social media.
A: Even though some
people use electronics for
working or studying, for
the majority virtual devices
consume more time than it
Note: complete user names were not
use to protect their privacy.