Blue Umbrella Official October 2018 issue | Page 13

GET TO KNOW YOUR TEACHERS By: M on ica A. M R S . FU NK 1) What would students be surprised to find out about you? I used to be an avid mountain biker and have spent a few weeks hiking in the Alps. 2) If you could pass any wisdom to your students, what would you share? Life is about trying, failing, learning, and getting up to try again. We should never stop learning. 3) Back in high school, who was your favorite teacher? Why? Sadly, no one stands out from high school; possibly because I had a phenomenal history teacher throughout junior high. He was also my basketball coach, my track coach, and my seventh-grade homeroom teacher, Mr. Bruce Newman. He truly cared about each of his students, and made history come alive. 4) What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend? 6) What are you currently reading for enjoyment? I am currently avidly following Inspector Gamache in the Louise Penny mystery series. 7) As a child, what did you wish to become when you grew up? I mostly just wanted to see the world. 8) Did you have any extracurricular activities when you were a high school student? Yes, I played basketball, was in Honor society, and I had a job. 9) What is the most funny or weird fact you know? Hiking, camping, and reading around the camp fire. I like the word glaciated, because I live in Washington state. With more than 3,000 glaciers, Washington is the most glaciated state in the U.S. 5) What is your first memory from school? 10) What is one of your hidden talents? Nap time in kindergarten, which I remember thinking was ridiculous. Also taking multiplication timed tests in first grade. I would always stomp my feet under my desk for the whole minute that I took the test. I love to try to make up new words. Ever since I heard that the word hangry (which is not a real word) was in the Oxford Standard Dictionary, I have been determined to make up my own word and get it into the Oxford Standard Dictionary. 13