Blue Umbrella Official February 2017 issue | Page 4

3 | The Blue Um brella Jan- Feb

I naugurat i on 20 17

by Rasai T .
On January 20t h , 2017 , Donald Trum p was sworn in as t he 45t h President of t he Unit ed St at es . The I naugurat ion t ook place at t he U . S . Capit al in Washingt on , D . C . and was followed by a parade on Pennsylvania St reet .
Following his swearing- in , President Trum p addressed t he nat ion wit h a brief 16 m inut e speech .
Those am ong t he at t endees included form er president s Barack Obam a and George W . Bush . Also in at t endance was President Trum p ? s elect ion opponent , Hillary Clint on , and her husband , form er president Bill Clint on .
Approxim at ely 193,000 people at t ended t he inaugurat ion , a not iceably lower num ber t han previous inaugurat ions . according t o CNN . com news report s .