Blue Umbrella Official February 2017 issue | Seite 9

8 | The Blue Um brella Jan- Feb

" t he result s are i n !"

Students excel in National History Bee

by Rebekah G . Art by Sabrina L .
After holding a com pet it ion where Mrs . Holland and Mrs . Eben narrowed down pot ent ial part icipant s from 4t h t o 8t h grade , six st udent s went on t o t ake a 20- m inut e , 50- quest ion exam provided by Academ ic Com pet it ion Ent erprises ( ACE ) for t he Nat ional Hist ory Bee .
And now t he result s are in ! Four st udent s have qualified for t heir Regional Finals and t wo ot hers have qualified for St and- By st at us . One st udent even earned t he highest score in her region !
Regional event s will t ake place bet ween February 7 and April 17 . The Nat ional Finals will be held t his sum m er in At lant a , Georgia .
A big round of applause for t hese six st udent s ! Congrat ulat ions !
Quali f i ers : Elizabet h W . Evan H . Joseph J . Tyler B . St andby : Tyler F . Mat hew C .