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By Er ica L.
U Lifting my head, I squint at the brightness
R I shield my eyes from the whiteness
Who could this be?
Could I dare say it?s He?
I fall to my knees in utter amazement
Shaking my head from its dazedness
I open my mouth to adore Him
Moving my lips, no sound comes from
In that moment He embraced me It's pumpkin season! Pumpkin pie, pumpkin
spice...pumpkin everything! Here's a pumpkin craft that
the whole family can do to remind you of the reason for
the season. You can do it using either construction paper
or an actual pumpkin. (Paper might be easier for younger
children unless you plan to write on the pumpkin for
No other thing compared to it Materials:
Not a pillow could be softer, For younger people: Orange construction paper,
Instead I speak, ?Lord, I have not known
?til now.?
He smiles, ?I know, my child, I?ve loved
you just the same.?
Not a blanket could be more comforting.
Here?s what you?ll do:
?Why would you love me?? For Younger People:
Now His face is all I could see,
But I fall again in frustration ?You are My beloved child.
Why am I not able? I made you and knew you long before
your birth.?
I hear a sweet voice calling my name
He said it?s always the same
No other thing on earth mattered
My Lord knew me, He knows me!
As slowly the drab room around me
He says, ?Do you not know? I loudly burst into tears
I want to say, ?Yes, I know, my Lord!?
But how could I say such words without
1. Using your orange construction paper, draw or cut
out the outline of a pumpkin.
2. Write or draw on the pumpkin what you are
thankful for.
For Everyone else:
My Lord grabs my hand and helps me
All you need is ask and I will help you be
For Everyone else: Pumpkin and a black marker or
?My Lord?? I asked in a shaking voice I try to stand to dance in exaltation
I feel so unstable!
By: Ch loe P.
No greater words will ever be said
No greater hug will ever be had
My Lord?s presence will never be outdone
My Lord, He loves me!
1. Find a pumpkin: Depending on how many people
are participating and how long you intend to do it,
you'll need to find a small to medium-sized
2. Start writing: Each day have family members will
write one thing that they are thankful for. Start
writing around the stem and work your way down to
the bottom of the pumpkin. You might want to place
a dot between each separate entry.
3. Display your pumpkin: Your pumpkin would make a
great Thanksgiving centerpiece! Or use the
pumpkin as a great reminder to be thankful.