Blue Umbrella Official Blue Umbrella Summer Issue | Page 12
By M egh an J
Ph ot o: Rebek ah V.
Senioritis is real.
With filling out my FAFSAs,
trying to figure out my career,
finishing up my coursework,
etc., the stress is piling up. I
am not very good at handling
stress, and I am also not very
good at handling not being in
control. I want to be in control,
but it is only once I lose control
that I remember: I have never
really been in control in the
first place.
Isaiah 40:26, 30- 31 says, ?Lift
up your eyes and look to the
heavens: Who created all
these? He who brings out the
starry host one by one and
calls forth each of them by
name. Because of his great
power and mighty strength,
not one of them is missing?
Even youths grow tired and
weary, and young men
stumble and fall; but those
who hope in the Lord will
renew their strength. They will
soar on wings like eagles; they
will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be
faint.? To me, these verses are
a reminder of God?s control.
God is the One who created
and controls the universe. I
can?t do anything outside of
His control, so why do I worry
so much? Why do I stress
myself out and worry when
God is the One in control
anyways? It?s so easy for me
to take my eyes off of Him and
onto the things of this world,
but when I do that, I start to
stress. The trick is to keep
your eyes on God.
Of course, none of this means I
can just say, ?Okay, God I?m
giving this to You now. You
take care of it while I sit here
and watch.? What it does
mean is that I will give my
worries to Him and let Him
take care of it all while I just do
my part. For example, when I
take my Chemistry exam next
month, I will pray and ask God
for His help on it, but I?m still
going to do my part and study.
I?ll try not to worry and
remember that even if I don?t
do well, God is going to take
care of it, but I?m still going to
study and do my best on the
So, the next time you?re feeling
under a lot of stress, take a
step back and remember that
God is in control. Do your best
in all you do and remember
that God?s got this. You just
need to trust in Him.