Blue Ocean Network Daniel Ponce-Taylor | Page 6

Volunteer with an organisation that puts the impact on local communities first. Learn about GVI's impact and how it influences the lives of our volunteers around the world.

"I truly believe that learning should include getting 'dirty' by way of getting involved- and not just on the weekends or in your spare time."

- Daniel Ponce-Taylor

coordinates with the local government and non-governmental organizations before a project begins. Objectives and end-goals are identified jointly, along with the skills guests will need to contribute to a project’s success.

No need to worry,

though, if you

don’t think you

have the skills

necessary to


because GVI

will teach you what

you need to know.

“All you need is a desire to learn and

contribute to marine conservation,” said Daniel.

More recently, GVI has taken measurement of success to the next level. Using the United Nations’ 17 Sustainability Goals, GVI looked hard at which goals could be applied to their programs already in existence. From there, GVI created key performance indicators that are aligned with the goals and objectives at each of their local projects around the world. Using

this data, which is in the beginning

stages of

collection, will

allow GVI to



progress and the

real impact of

their goals on a

global scale.

“Very few people are doing this,” said


A key part of each of GVI’s programs is

inclusion of the local populace. Whether that’s inviting locals to learn along with their guests, or allowing them to take part as a guest under their national scholarship program, GVI is providing examples of alternative livelihoods. In turn, this starts the conversation about the importance of conservation and what the marine environment provides with those indigenous to the area.