Blue Knight News 5 | Page 12

How the Internet and Social Media is Affecting Kids

By: Guest Writer, Leillany Molina


A lot of people love the internet, and I am one of them. Many people use it in a positive way, but some people don’t. Although you may love it, you can’t deny that it is affecting kids in awful ways. There are many reasons why the internet is affecting children, but I will only state a few them.

First of all, it causes a lack of creativity in many students. They don’t have to work as hard on their assignments or projects because all of the information is on the internet, so all they have to do is copy and paste it. Do students not know that is is a crime called plagiarism? For some students, this becomes one of their habits.

Secondly, another effect is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is bullying on the International. It is easier for bullies to bully people without getting in trouble because there is no proof of who is actually doing it. The negative effects of cyberbullying would be worse on kids who are going through puberty because of all vulnerability and the sensitiveness. There is a relationship proved between cyberbullying and suicide attempts by victims of cyberbullying. That is the harsh truth so the next time you think about cyberbullying someone, think of all the negative effects it can have have on that person.

The internet can also cause insomnia. If you don’t know what insomnia is, it is a sleeping disorder that happens when people are not able to rest or sleep. This happens because most people will stay up late to play video games or text a friend and get even less sleep than they should. After doing that for a while, it would surely become a habit and start to affect you. For our age, insomnia will not only affect our mental health, but also our physical health. Next time you go on the internet, turn of whatever you’re using early and get more sleep for once and see how much more energy you will have in the morning. Believe me, when you start going to bed earlier it would benefit you a lot in the long run.

I know most people won’t agree with me on this but the internet can be a gigantic waste of time. Stanford University conducted a study showing that 12.4 percent of participants stay online for more time than they intended very often. If you spend too much time on the Internet you cut down time for important activities such as homework, studying, or learning. If the original purpose for the internet was to help students work more efficiently, it now makes them do no work at all. For many students, the explorations and the advancement of the Internet turn it into a HUGE distraction for them. As a result, students’ grades go down and the electronic bill increases

In conclusion, everyone may like the Internet, but there are negative effect. Those were only a couple, examples of negative effects of the internet grow each year and there are things that we can stop, but people don’t. Try to get more sleep, stop cyber bullying, stop being on the internet more than you need to, and please start being more creative if you copy everything of the internet. If you do these things it will benefit you as a person and your health.

Organized by: Nicole Phelan