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Habit 8: Find Your Voice

By: Isabella Verazosa

We’ve all learned the Seven Habits, right? Most of you probably learned it in fourth grade, But there is actually an eighth one: Find Your Voice and Help Others Find Theirs. One of the best examples of a person who followed that habit is a woman named Kate Sheppard.

Kate lived in a time that men thought women’s only purpose was to serve man. The only things they could do were cook and clean. They couldn’t get a job, or earn a lot of money. Women were afraid to speak up, but Kate wasn’t. “Women should be able to vote, get jobs, and earn a lot of money.” And she got other women to sign the petition. When the petition was presented, it was more than 100 feet long! Because of Kate’s bravery, women can now have jobs, get more money, and have more freedom.

This is a great example. She found her voice by standing up to those judges,and she helped others find theirs by getting women to sign their name on that petition. I hope this inspires you to someday find your voice!