Robloxians trading limiteds has become very popular on Roblox, and the best place to go is Merely's Trade Hangout. Although the limited's R.A.P. (Recent Average Price) can be very unreliable at the Trade Hangout, it is very poplar so you're most likely to have good trades with people there.
As I have learned from my past trades(Some time ago I got ripped off and traded one of my best limiteds for a Hula Dog gear that just hugs you.), the best thing to do is to only trade things you have for something that you really want. My best trade was the Hula Dog, which I hated, for the Sharp Looking Hat - The Gear.
Did you just get a new limited? Are you tired that its RAP is really low? Is your limited's RAP so low that you can't trade good things for it? You shouldn't worry, their RAP's usually rise in two to seven days. If it is a limited you've had for a while and it's still really low, try messaging the people who have it at a low price, and tell them that you will try to get everyone to raise it. Then everyone can trade it for better items.
Messaging the low price sellers is an amazing trick for raising RAP's and is a good benefit for the limited owners, but don't ask to raise it too high. Slowly raise the price so people don't get suspicious. I hope this helps you with your trading skills!
Trading on roblox!