BLOGIZINE June 2013 | Page 2

The Blogizine was created solely to provide Tumblr users other diverse ways to creatively use their inventive energy, and have their brilliant work shared to the world. Not only can it encourage artists to share but inspire readers. Thus, we, Kira and Niks, hope this will be the outcome of this Blogizine.


The Blogizine itself was created and written by the creators of BLOG KIT (Niks and Kira)

Image credits go to the following: Catho De Rore, Emily Green, Emily Tebbetts, UNKNOWN, Amy F. Hughes, Mike Perry, DreamLocket (Niks on Polyvore), UNKNOWN, The Weaver House (edited), no*ko, UNKNOWN, p4444444rty

The image credits are in order of where they appear in the Blogiziine. If anyone knows the source of the images that have been labelled 'UNKNOWN', please tell us. It would be greatly appreciated! We will even add you to the credits for helping out. Thank you!