Blockchain Technology in Music Industry Blockchain Technology in Music Industry | Page 4
In fact, it has become that much simpler for a layman to search pirated copies of music in the web.
People acquire their favorite tunes mainly from the pirated source. Easily available pirated versions, not
only urges to their immediacy of music requirement but also eases the long-running search of tunes in
YouTube and other platforms. Also converting and downloading the videos have become much simpler
with these malicious discoveries. However, with blockchain, music privacy can be curbed to a great
extent, making the industry all more economically stable.
Here are the ways, blockchain can bring halts to pirating music;
Property Rights
Blockchain technology claims its integrity to prove even in courts. Therefore, can be confidently
implemented in music industry so as to refrain from the trouble of intellectual property rights.
Blockchain’s underlying framework-the distributed ledger technology can be used as a secure platform
for holding every transaction with respect to music ownership. The technology can remain a standstill
proof of every ownership transfers made, giving no room for confusions and frauds. Thus the frequent
episodes of battle among artists and studios can be brought to halt.