Blockchain Technology in Food Industry Blockchain Technology in Food Industry | Page 3
One very good example in front of us is how Wal-Mart and IBM introduced a food traceability system
using blockchain. Starting from the leafy green food supply chain, Wal-Mart has introduced blockchain
in speeding up, identifying and researching on reacting with food safety situations. And they found out
that the technology is so aggressive and fast that the research that could take 7-8 days now needed only
2.2 seconds.
Let's see how traceability can bring a faster and aggressive report on food production and supply.
Firstly, the system will provide a correct and time to time updated report to stakeholders from where a
particular item came from, during what harvest, and from which means and from which farm. This will
also allow the government to have a clear investigation of the items. With blockchain data, it is possible
to find the source in a few seconds.