Block Home #1 | Page 14

Project Performance

In partnership with Block Solutions and Yayasan Classroom of Hope Indonesia, we built the first Block Home in Indonesia and Asia. This Block Home is a permanent, environmentally sustainable, and earthquake-resistant home. The construction turnaround was very rapid, completed within a total of just nine days. The local building team used their newly learned skills in constructing buildings using the Finnish Block technology.

Environmental sustainability was a high priority for this project. The Blocks used to construct the house's walls are carbon neutral and produced from 50% recycled materials and 50% bio-composite materials. Other building materials were sourced locally or repaired and reused where possible. The Blocks are earthquake-resistant and certified to last 100 years.

The Bacardy family now has a permanent, comfortable, secure, and weatherproof home to live in, which allows them to feel a sense of ease and wellbeing. The plumbing in the bathroom and kitchen allows the family to live in a sanitary environment to help prevent illness and disease caused by unsanitary living conditions. As this is a private family home, The Baacardy family is responsible for maintaining the home.