Block Craze Issue 01 January 2015 | Página 14

We Don't Support PETA....

Never Will


PETA is an Animal Rights activist group that aims to stop animal abuse in major industries of the Food Inc side of business. That's all well and good, but PETA has recently crossed the line. They have done this on a number of occasions.

They have attacked the Pokemon Franchise in the past, as well as recently...Minecraft.

Many of the Minecraft Players themselves are avid Pokemon Fans. I myself have been one for a very long time and have just never grown out of it. Isn't it great being a kid at heart?

The problem that we have with PETA, is that they have an underlined mission that is not highlighted by their core mission.

What is their core mission? To keep everyone from eating meat. That's right, they don't even want Minecraft Players to be killing animals for meat. That food source in Minecraft is no doubt the best food source we have. It satisfies your hunger the longest in both the Minecraft and in the Real World.

Fact is, no Vegan has ever produced evidence that eating a Vegan based diet is "healthier" than eating meat. At best, they have produced "studies" that claim...this study "suggest" hence the keyword play there.

Most studies today are bad Science at best. They're not real Science. They don't solve issues. You can make a study say what ever you want by asking the right questions and eschewing important details.