Blink Digital Magazine 4th Issue Blink digital Magazine 04 | Page 4

LETTER FROM BLINK TEAM Education is important ducation is important in our lives, because we gain E something from it. We have to be informed about what's happening around us, education offers wisdom it allows us to grow and be matured. But then the choice is ours to decide. It is up to us to allow ourselves to be informative about things or not. Education offers guidance and a path that we should know off, thou it might be up to us to decide if we take it with us along the path. Education offers a doorway to our destiny, it gives you the hope that one day things will be alright. It is better to be informative about things rather than not knowing what's going on. They say prevention is better than cure. You too can prevent misery from coming into your life by allowing yourself to be informative about what's happening. A big shout out to those who will be writing their exams soon. We believe that you out did yourselves and made it possible through out the year. Always remember the power is in your hands. BDM TALENT ISSUE #04 04