Blink Digital Magazine 4th Issue Blink digital Magazine 04 | Page 14

OUR SOCIETY B L I N K I N S P I R AT I O N By Cordelia Khosi G I R L SXB O Y S WHO DATE GUYS 4MONEY W hat is "dating"? Dating is being in an intimate relationship. But this part of intimacy has been challenged and viewed only as being sexually active, which is not entirely true because intimacy is not just sex or lovemaking but it is also about emotional attachment and love. It is the ability to share in your partner's experiences and feelings. But only a few see it this way, many has made it a "thing" of getting sex and money and somehow love in this sense has been valued as less . Dating during the ages has been used as a way to get to know someone you love and to be in a deeper closeness with them. It was done with pure intentions of love and care and to be with the person and them with you. But in this day and age it's mostly not about love and what you can give each other in the o called name of love. WHO DATE GIRLS 4SEX The only time couples fight nowadays is because she is not in the mood and he doesn't want to chip out money for those Nike sneakers. This cannot be love, it cannot even be like, it is purely a transaction.You give "this" and you get "that" and if you don't then forget. It is better to just clarify from the start that you are not in it for love but just for material things and sex, it's really not that hard. It is better than to lie just to get money. Why is this done? The first time you meet someone you want to impress them so they stay with you or keep coming back. So on the first date you might take her to a very expensive restaurant or a hip club and once you get your goodnight kiss your desire for her grows stronger you just want her naked on your bed. Many girls cannot afford to buy certain things themselves because they are either still at school, peer pressure or are unemployed and have no way of getting money. So they decide to use their most valuable asset to get what they want. Who wants to be left behind with all these clubs around town, the latest fashion and trends? And guys, well, they think they can flash money round and get whichever girls they want of which they do. Can we say this is done purely out of disrespect of self, values and morals? But this affects girls more than it does guys. Girls will find themselves being called names while guys get to be sung praises. I think that most guys who do this have a very low self-esteem and use this is a way to gain cred. Society says live how you want to live and do what pleases you then they turn around and judge you. They call you names , say you don't have morals and use you as an example to others. What to do now? Our girls need to be taught to have pride in themselves and know that they are worth more than being used by men and that if they work hard at improving their lives they will soon afford all these things and they will feel happy that they got there without depending on men. Our guys need to be taught that women are not objects and they should be treated with high respect and love no matter who they are or what they have. What you do is really none of our business but that doesn't mean you should devalue yourself and treat yourself as less than others because you lack certain things. Just because you do not have it now doesn't mean you will never get it. BDM TALENT ISSUE #04 14