them the outward appearance was attractive and promising for a prosperous life . They didn ' t think of the bad influence from the wicked people of that city . Only after moving in there , Lot was constantly tormented by the moral rot that surrounded him . His wife and daughters picked up the bad culture of the place . Even Lot was influenced . Can you imagine the righteous Lot offering to give his unmarried daughters to perverts ? ( Gen19 : 8 ).
However God had mercy on the family and two angels guided them to escape . Lot ' s wife lagged behind so she could have one last look at all her collection , without anyone noticing her . Alas ! She became a pillar of salt . Jesus has warned us to “ Remember Lot ' s wife .” The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were eating and drinking , buying and selling , planting and building till God burnt down everything . Jesus said , “ It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed . On that day no one who is on the roof of his house , with his goods inside , should go down to get them . Likewise , no one in the field should go back for anything . Remember Lot ' s wife !” ( Lk 17 : 28-32 ). Jesus was warning us not to have our mind in our possessions like Lot ' s wife and look back . Even though God was gracious enough to provide a way of escape for the family , Lot ' s wife did not make it . We are all in for rough times . When the Corona ambulance comes to take us to the hospital , will we look back ?
“ A remnant will return , a remnant of Jacob will return to the Mighty God . Though your people , O Israel , will be like the sand by the sea , only a remnant will return . Destruction has been decreed , overwhelming and righteous ” ( Isa 10:21,22 ). Do you see yourself here ? Christians are numerous . They are called by the name of Christ . They call Him , ' Lord , Lord ,' but do not do what He says ( Lk 6:46 ). Let us take God ' s word seriously or else we will not escape the coming disaster . Let us escape to the mountains , to higher grounds . Our moral standard must be much higher than that of the ' Christian Community '. “ I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law , you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of heaven ” ( Mt 5:20 ). Love for God means obeying Him .
When the walls of Jericho collapsed , one portion stood its ground , and that was the portion where Rahab ' s house was ( Josh 2:15 ) and the scarlet rope was hanging from there . That was the first miracle God did for her . Though the whole of Jericho was destroyed , Rahab escaped with her family . She decided to leave her idols and sinful life and turn to the Living God .
When tempted , Joseph ran out of the house and escaped the onslaught of satan . We have many examples in the Bible to encourage us to run away from even what “ appears ” to be evil so that we will join the remnant . The majority are slaughtered mercilessly by the devil . Will you be one of the few escapees ? “ No king is saved by the size of his army ; no warrior ESCAPES by his great strength . A horse is a vain hope for deliverance ; despite