Dear Remnant ,
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is the source of all wisdom and knowledge !
The COVID19 pandemic continues to inflict pain on the common man . Global recession , record high unemployment , closure of educational institutions are just a few to name . Jesus rebuked the leaders of His days because they were able to discern the face of the sky and of the earth , but were not able discern the time ( Lk 12:56 ). King Solomon said that a wise man ' s heart discerns both time and judgement ( Ecc 8:5 ). Let us consider the ways on how we should live during these times :
1 . Be holy and stay holy
Those who are holy are called to be holier still ( Rev 22:11 ). The Apostle Peter exhorts the Church to be holy , for the Lord our God is holy ( 1 Pet 1:15-16 ). Holy living commences by reading and meditating the word of God . We need to associate with the right kind of people . Bad company corrupts good habits ( 1 Cor 15:33 ). Be careful in what you listen to what kind of songs . Don ' t be carried away by the tune . Don ' t listen to songs that are not spiritually edifying . Test the spirit . A man is as he thinks ( Prov 23:7 ). Hence , let us be careful in our thought life . Let us bring every thought into the captivity of Christ ( 2 Cor 10:5 ). Take a stand for holiness . Abstain from every form of evil ( 1 Thes 5:22 ). Be blameless and harmless in the midst of this crooked and perverse generation holding fast to the word of life ( Phil 2 : 15-16 ).
2 . Understand the will of God
Christ warns us that not all who calls on Him as “ Lord ” will enter heaven but only those who do the will of the Father ( Mt 7:21 ). In order to do God ' s will , we need to surrender ourselves unconditionally to the Lord ( Rom 12:1-2 ). Let us persevere in prayer to seek His will ( Jn 5:30 , Mt 26:39 ). May we apply the lessons we have learnt from the Scripture in our daily life ( Ps 119:105 ).
3 . Redeem the time
Redeeming the time means that we make the best use of it . Jesus accomplished the work the Father had given Him in a limited period of time . We neither know how the future will be nor for how long we will live on the earth nor for how many days the doors for the Gospel will be kept open . Let us make use of every opportunity to share the Gospel with others . “ Cast your bread upon the waters for you will find it after many days ” ( Ecc 11:1- 2,4,6 ). Let us make best use of our time , do the will of God and gather more souls into His kingdom .
Yours in His service , A . Lionel . General Overseer