Blessing English Emagazine July 2020 | Page 5

July 2020 | Page 05 creating a low self-image. This mental baggage may be strapped on us even after we become a believer and continue to hang there even when we serve the Lord. On the outside, Elijah was a fiery prophet. But in the inside, he was a man just like us with all the weaknesses and struggles (Jas 5:17). This low self-esteem coupled with a sense of defeat can cripple us in our work or ministry. A small failure can discourage us to the core. When something happens contrary to our plans, we might be tempted to abandon the cause altogether. That is why God focuses on the inner transformation of our being. The old self is being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ. We are becoming more and more like Jesus. In Christ, God has loved us and accepted us. Even though Elijah performed mighty miracles, he felt that he was defeated. Jezebel could not be dislodged from the throne, nor was she humbled. This created an illusion of defeat which is actually not the case. Though Jezebel could not be subdued, the prophets of Baal were slaughtered. The faithful remnant of Israel would have been overjoyed. The remaining prophets of God would have seen a ray of hope dawning in Israel. Elijah was gaining grounds. In fact, he had written its first chapter. But in God's plan, there were other people who would finish that. Obedience alone matters. God doesn't measure achievements as we do. Our so called concept of success and failure is entirely different from God's. Our failure can be God's success. So, as children of the Most High and His servants, let us listen to His voice and obey Him. We are never called to be successful but faithful. Hence let us focus on Jesus Christ and continue to do His bidding. This makes us good and faithful servants of the Master. 3) Lack of Justice and Fairness Can Discourage Us It is natural to expect fair treatment in this world. But we should not forget that we live in a fallen world. Sometimes we are treated fairly and other times not. Sometimes justice is possible and at other times it is not. But the God of Justice will judge everyone in His time. Whether we are in a secular organization or a spiritual one, expecting a perfect system may lead us to discouragement. I find people jumping from one company to other because they are not treated fairly. In a similar way, people jump from one church to another, one organization to another. But I wonder whether they would be treated fairly in the next place. It is the same story in marriage as well. Many expect a fair treatment and are discouraged. We all have a sense of justice. This is a gift from God. But to expect fairness in all aspects of life is merely utopic. We are living in a fallen world and we build organizations with limitations. There are no perfect systems or organizations in this world. Every institution has its own positives and negatives. Some people of God look at a 'great man' of God and admire him. But when that 'great man' commits a sin, they are shaken to the core and are disillusioned and discouraged. If God puts you in a situation where you face inequality and injustice, ask God for His guidance as to what you need to do. History is full of people who worked within the systems and brought-in organizational changes and institutional reforms. So instead of pointing fingers at the present things and persons, pray and proceed on as what you can contribute for the people around you. Elijah was sailing in the same boat. He did not like what he heard and witnessed. He prayed for a revival and God started to work. But here is the catch. Elijah wanted God to work in a certain way, his way. He wanted Jezebel to be punished in his life time. Elijah slightly ran before God. Is this not the case with many of us? We expect God to work in a particular way, and when that doesn't happen, we are discouraged. Beloved, even with the best intentions and motives, we may miss God's timing and leading.