Blessing English Emagazine July 2020 | Page 7

July 2020 | Page 07 Lk 6:26 - “Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets.” Hence let us not worry about what people say, but let us set right our relationship with God. He will cleanse us and purify us. What God says about us is more important than what people say. 6) Deferred Hope Can Discourage Us We all live with expectations. Our expectations become our hopes. Hope is a beautiful thing. The Bible says that Love, Hope and Faith are three great things (1 Cor 13:13). Hope sustains human beings. We all hope for something. We hope for a new job, our children's marriage, settlement, good ministry, promotions, so on and so forth. This hope for tomorrow becomes our driving force of life. When a person looses hope, then discouragement sets in and this might even lead to depression. Some develop high hopes with regard to their business or children or ministry. But when that hope is dashed, they get discouraged. Some people used to say, ' I have this one hope.' Or 'I can count on him/her' or even 'This is my only hope' or 'My last hope.' When we have certain things or people in our lives, which can qualify for our 'only hope' then we are setting ourselves in a place where we can be discouraged to the core. I believe Elijah too had this mentality. According to him, Mount Carmel was the last thing Israel could see. He thought fire from Heaven could change everything. He pinned all his hopes on that one event. But when that event did not bring out what he expected, he was disillusioned and prayed for death. Beloved, take heart. Elijah went through the same experience. See how a great prophet developed suicidal tendencies. God had plans to take him to Heaven even without his physical death. But he prayed to the contrary. Moses too once prayed like this (Num 11:15) and so did Jonah (Jon 4:8). Praise be to God that He does not answer all our prayers. What we need during such trying times is Rest and Refocus. Beloved, this is my spiritual suggestion to overcome the fiery darts of discouragements. Rest in the Lord and refocus on the task ahead. Even when all our hopes are lost, we still can hope in the Lord. Jesus is our only hope. Let us turn to God and His Word. We should learn to run to Him, wait on Him and get directions from Him. Elijah did the same. He ran to Horeb the mountain of God (1 Ki 19:8). He knew only God can understand him and can deal with the situation. “Whom I have in Heaven except you” says the Psalmist (Psa 73:25). God is our refuge in times of trouble. Let us run to Him. He will protect us from the fiery darts of discouragement. The God who guided Elijah and gave him a new direction and jobs, will guide us through (I Ki 19:15-18). Hence my beloved, let us not be discouraged. Even when we walk through the path of discouragement, let us learn to take rest in His presence and seek His guidance. May God strengthen us and use us according to His plan and purpose. Amen. 1Ki 19:4 - “And he asked that he might die, saying, “It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life,..” Have you prayed such prayers “It is enough Lord. Oh! I have faced a lot of discouragement. Everybody left me. People whom I trusted betrayed me. I have no one to turn to. Everything seems mundane. I do not want to live. It is enough Lord. Take my life”?