| August 2020
Santa, Satya, Daitari, Sundra, Bali, Madan,
Lakhmi, Pramila, Maniko are childless. Pray
for a miracle.
Pray for the consolation of Suraj and Sabita
as they lost their four day old baby girl.
Palsu and Bhimo to come back to the fold.
Drinking water has been prohibited in a
village for our new believers. In another
village, they are facing opposition from a local
leader. Pray for God's intervention.
Pray that the land problem at Umerkote Girls'
Hostel be resolved soon. A new area was
surveyed to start the work. Kindly pray for
God's direction.
God protected the family of our well- wisher,
Pastor Prem Kumar from a major car
God enabled the missionaries to organize
conference-prayers in which they got several
new contacts. All the prayer cells are running
through conference-calls.
Healing - Praveen Kumar and Ratnakumar
(Kidney stone); Rambabu (Liver and Kidneys
are not functioning).
Missionary Raja Subramani's mother is
suffering from Paralysis and also missionary
Hemalatha Johnson's father Keerthi Kumar
is suffering from 4th stage Cancer. Pray for a
The 'Sanctification Week' programme was a
blessing to all the missionaries.
Pray for God's intervention as our Nation as
well as other Nations are fighting the Covid -
19 pandemic.
Pray for the vulnerable groups like the
elderly, poor and people with underlying
health conditions to be protected from this
Pray for God's wisdom and guidance to the
ministers of the Gospel as they take the Word
through mobile calls and video-conferencing.
Pray for the believers who have lost their
livelihood because of the present situation.
Pray for the believers in India to use this time
for self-introspection and draw closer to the
Pray that the needs of the full-time workers
and missionaries who are affected during this
period to be met.
The Misson publishes magazine in various
languages. Pray for the magazine ministries of
our Mission that it can be published without
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