Blessed Magazine October/November, 2013 Volume 7 | Page 6

Connect with Us Contributing Writers “Wow! I’m so excited about this issue of Blessed Magazine because this issue focuses on topics which seem to be controversial to so many Christians today. As with each issue, we communicate with individuals about what would be of interest to not only educate, but inspire and encourage each other as we continue our journey of salvation All of us here love the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul and we strive to bring you the best in this magazine we call blessed We hope that you will be inspired and blessed with this issue as we desire with all the issues we have already published and the ones to come If at any time you have a topic of interest or would like to contribute, please contact us at [email protected] Steve Countryman John MacArthur Jack Zavada Rich Deem Joan Davis Barbara Frone Laraine Turner Special Thanks to God our Father Jesus our Savior Holy Spirit our Guide My Loving Parents My Adoring Children Our Faithful Fans Our Supporters May God continue to bless you and yours! Laraine Turner President/Founder Cover Credit: The Beast Within ©2013 deviantART Blessed Magazine Page 6 God Bless You All