BLAZE Magazine Special Edition 2006-2016 | Page 57
Grace, Gear
& Guns
A Concealed Carry Solution for Your Active Lifestyle
By Doug Gilmer
y biggest concealed carry struggle
throughout the years has been
how to carry a firearm when I
run (for exercise). Many running
purists might criticize me for running armed
but this is why I think of myself as a sheepdog
and not a sheep. I have carried a gun every
day for nearly 25 years as a law enforcement
officer. In those years I have learned to
recognize trouble can find you anywhere,
anytime. Recently, while out on a run in the
more rural area where I live, on an improved
recreational trail, I encountered a known,
wanted rape suspect from a nearby state who
had just given local police the slip by fleeing
into the recreational area.
Over the years I have toyed with the idea
of carrying a micro-sized handgun such as
a North American Arms 22 magnum but I
don’t want to depend on something
so diminutive as a primary weapon.
As a law enforcement officer, my best
bet is to be armed with a weapon I
have qualified with and one, should I
need to take action to protect myself
or or third party, that is reliable and
appropriate for the job. Additionally,
because physical fitness is a job
requirement for me, I get time during
my workday to run and work out as I
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can. Carrying a duty handgun while on duty,
even if out for a run, just makes good sense.
Until recently, however, there have not been
good options for carrying such a handgun.
Fanny packs and uncomfortable belly bands
have been about the only options.
Last year while doing more research into
efficient carry methods, I came across
Pistol Wear ( While
not inexpensive, I figured if it did what it
advertised it would do then the $45 was
worth the cost. I placed my order and in a few
days it arrived. It was immediately put to use.
Over the past several months I have used my
my Pistol Wear with my Smith and Wesson
M&P340, and an extra speed strip, as well
as my Glock 26 and extra magazine. While
I can tell a difference in the weight, there is
no difference in performance or comfort.
The gun is held securely and absolutely
does not bounce or move while running
making the extra weight nearly irrelevant.
The waterproof panel in the pack keeps
perspiration from getting inside and on the
gun. It is an ingenious, yet simple, design and
offers wide adjustability so after losing weight
from all your exercise you can just resize it.
The Pistol Wear does not have to be used
only for exercise. It also provides a great way
to carry your concealed handgun when your
wardrobe will not allow a more traditional
holster design and it works equally well for
men and women. It is perfect to wear with
shorts and a t-shirt or even with tighter fitting
clothing. It is also available in a couple of
different sizes to accompany different sized
handguns as well as a couple of different
models for those who might want to
wear their holster higher on the torso.
I own a large number of holsters, some
custom, some off the shelf. However,
my Pistol Wear pack gets used more
than most and it is most certainly one
of the best concealed carry investments
I have made.
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