BLAZE Magazine Special Edition 2006-2016 | Page 55
Hunting Activities
Hunters were asked about the types of species pursued and Figure
10 shows the top six pursued among female hunters. By far, whitetail
deer are the most common type of quarry pursued by either women
(67%) or men (68%) hunters. About one-quarter of both female and
male hunters reported hunting turkey. A quarter of female hunters
and one-third of male hunters pursued small game, such as rabbit
and squirrel.
When asked if they took children hunting or shooting, the highest
response for both men and women was that they did not take any
children hunting or shooting. From the previous section, it is clear
that men and women, both, are more likely to take children fishing
rather than hunting or shooting.
Shooting Activities
Shooters were asked about the types of shooting activities pursued
and Figure 11 shows shooting participation among women. Two-
thirds of female shooters participated in handgun shooting activities
while 64% participated in rifle and another 47% in shotgun activities.
In the case of rifle activities, the proportion of female shooters in the
sport is much smaller than their male counterparts (78% vs. 64%).
The proportion of female shooters participating in shotgun shooting
activities is slightly higher than male shooters. Women, as well, are
more likely to shoot bow/archery.
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