BLAZE Magazine Special Edition 2006-2016 | Page 51

However, Carolyn, never found hunting a sport she had to do. Jim continued the situation (done within split second) you to encourage her to a try target shooting, may have to pull the trigger. Of course once which she loved. We invited her to go you do, you own the rounds you fire down on an Arkansas duck hunt and she was range. Ensuring you hit your target is critical. enthralled with wing shooting. Jim and I loved going out west to shoot prairie dogs. Third, the idea of taking another life does Carolyn agreed to go on one of those trips. not come naturally to us. We cherish life. Once engaged, Carolyn discovered she We celebrate births, birthdays, and mourn loved long distance shooting.. death. I have heard a number of people who carry a firearm claim they don’t want to Soon I got the itch to go to Africa again. have to shoot anyone. Good! No one does. I asked Carolyn if she was interested But then some go on to say things such as, to make the trip. will will never her “Hopefully seeing my I gun be forget enough response. She said, “ Bobbie, I will need to scare them,” or “If I have to fire my gun I to try deer to hunting see if the I can shoot am just going try and to wound person, something that has those “big brown not kill them.” This is the wrong perspective eyes.” Once while she harvested to have. Again, we don’t her want first to white- ever tail, she was addicted! have to use deadly force, much less kill anyone, if you carry this apprehension along find strength with Women your firearm, chances and are encouragement if faced with a through camaraderie of knit under friends deadly force situation you will close hesitate and companions. Perhaps it is part of our stress or fail in your attempt to only wound nature. by Through the subject missing Jim’s your encouragement, target. Either and is knowledge, my leaves passion for way, patience the outcome not good and you shooting You sports could exploded. at a hunting tactical and disadvantage. end up dead yourself or with your rounds hitting unintended targets. Finally, you need to have a plan to deal with the aftermath of an armed encounter. Do you know a criminal defense attorney Over the years, I have reflected upon the Bobbie Wallace Parsons, daughter of memories realizing that my love for the George Wallace, four time governor of you can call? Do you have concealed carry Alabama and Lurleen Wallace, first lady outdoor challenge has always been a part insurance such as a policy offered by CCW of who I am. However, I needed the right governor of Alabama, is a lady who chose Safe ( or the U.S. Concealed person Association to foster my ( desire and challenge her own path of accomplishments. In Carry the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, women in hunt- my goals. Do you know what to do and say, or not ing/shooting sports were few in number. to do and say, when responding police Bobbie soon staked her claim and the rest Mentoring education officers and through detectives arrive? Is provides there first step for women. When health Rebecca is history. Southern charm and grace cap- a the clergy member or mental Wood, Founder, Executive Director, met tures the twinkle in her eye as she shared professional you can talk to following her story with me. Humbled by her bless- with Jim to and I, she the mission of an event help you shared deal with the ings of opportunity, Bobbie gathered her post traumatic stress? Do you We have Outdoor Women Unlimited. were very memoirs and wrote a book titled Journal another The OWU’s one you infrastructure used excited firearm? to learn that of a lady Hunter( a little bit of magic). Her in the shooting will be of taken as included a diverse venue opportunities story revealed the life of a woman(Bobbie evidence. for women to learn or advance in outdoor Wallace Parsons) who pioneered a trail skills/activities. OWU is the “first step” to that opened the frontier for women and The choice which firearm to carry “Accept No of Limits.” captured the hearts of all who followed. and how you carry is a personal Bobbie shared one of her most favorite decision. There are pros and cons for Carolyn and I have shared many hunting quotes from a book she read many years revolvers, semi-autos, different ammo adventures. The “little bit of magic” we choices, and carry methods. No doubt, prior.” There’s a sweetness in surrendering both carry has given us memories that some will offer you an advantage in a life to something I will never be good at, and will be in our hearts but and ultimately, minds for you many threatening situation have still finding pleasure in doing it.” It’s the years. to carry what you feel most comfortable with doing it that’s fun.” I agree. and are able to shoot best. Don’t forget however, your best preparation for a life threatening encounter is mental preparation. You can’t buy it, but before you carry a firearm, you best have it. It is your responsibility. You owe it yourself and others. Nothing is more important. You’re a girl who knows what she’s looking for. Set your sights on First Community Bank. Accept No Limits | FALL/WINTER 2015 | BLAZE | 15