BLAZE Magazine Special Edition 2006-2016 | Page 46

Outdoors & Education Falconry B oy, did I go on a fantastic squirrel hunt last weekend in the Grampian Hills outside Camden, Ala. Our hunting party bagged a grand total of two squirrels. Say what? Two squirrels are barely enough to make a small pot of squirrel and dumplings. What made it such an enjoyable, eye-opening hunt was the method by which the squirrels were taken – red-tailed hawks. That’s right, the Alabama Hawking Association (AHA) held its annual meet last weekend, and its members brought a variety of hawks to the event with red-tailed hawks the most common bird of prey. The meet attracted falconers (the generic term for those who hunt with raptors) not only from Alabama but all around the Southeast. One participant escaped the Michigan snow to travel to Alabama. The 70-plus participants in the meet were divided into manageable groups and turned loose on property donated for the hunts. I accompanied a group of falconers from around the Southeast from Georgia to Mississippi to Tennessee, although the Tennessean (Jeff Fincher) had roots in Eutaw, Ala. The hunting method involved heading into the woods and shaking vines and saplings to get a squirrel to reveal its location. At that point, the handler for the bird designated for that hunt released the raptor. 46 | | SPECIAL EDITION 2006-2016 Larry Mullis’ red-tailed hawk, named Dixie, soars through the treetops to find a perch suitable for attacking a gray squirrel’s hideout. By David Rainer Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources On the first hunt of the morning, Larry Mullis of Eastman, Ga., released Dixie, his year-old female red-tailed hawk after a squirrel was seen scurrying up a tall oak. With eyesight so acute that the most common analogy used is it could read newspaper headlines at a quarter of a mile, the bird started a methodical stalk of the gray squirrel. Dixie flew from limb to limb in the surrounding tree until she was in an advantageous attack position. The falconers call it “laddering.” With a leap from her perch, Dixie sailed toward the squirrel’s hideout, but was unable to connect with needle-sharp talons. Again, she laddered into position for another attempt. The squirrel made a break for it when Dixie’s wingtips slapped nearby limbs. With the patience of Job, she made another stalk and then another. A full hour after Dixie left her handler’s gloved hand, the squirrel took refuge in natural cover. It scurried under a patch of Spanish moss, but it could not hide. The hawk attacked and easily pierced the moss with her talons to pin the squirrel to the tree. After a few minutes to dispatch the squirrel, Dixie sailed to the ground to begin consuming the catch. However, Mullis managed to pull a bait-and- switch by offering the bird chunks of meat from a previous kill, and the squirrel was slipped away from the bird’s grasp to be used at a later date. “That was worth the trip to Alabama,” said Gary Brewer, an internationally known master falconer and author of “Buteos and Bushytails,” a book about the art of squirrel hunting in dense woods with red-tailed and Harris hawks. Brewer, who hails from the east Texas town of Tyler, is recognized as one of the foremost authorities on training red-tailed hawks. What Brewer didn’t realize was the next “cast” would almost match the first. Symeon Robins, a choral teacher and choir director from Jackson, Miss., took his red- tailed hawk, named Gizmo, off its perch and headed back into the target-rich environment of a creek bottom. When a squirrel was spotted, Robins literally launched his two- year-old male bird into the air, and the hawk began the laddering process that is apparently innate in the birds of prey accustomed to hunting in forested areas. After achieving a vantage point, Gizmo sailed toward the squirrel’s hideout. It was a near- miss, and the squirrel took advantage to quickly change trees before the bird could regroup. One attack resulted in the squirrel doing a u-turn on one of the larger limbs, only to have Gizmo follow suit. With only fractions of inches to spare, the squirrel managed to escape. Gizmo made several more attempts before the prey made a fatal mistake. The squirrel bailed out of a tree and hit the ground, attempting to make it to the den tree. In a blurring flash of wings and talons, Gizmo pounced on the squirrel and the hunt was over. Accept No Limits |