Blank Rome 2023 - Mainbrace Newsletter Mainbrace_March_2023 | Page 27

Risk Management Tools for Maritime Companies

Risk Management Tools for Maritime Companies

COMPLIANCE AUDIT PROGRAM Blank Rome Maritime has developed a flexible , fixed-fee Compliance Audit Program to help maritime companies mitigate the escalating risks in the maritime regulatory environment . The program provides concrete , practical guidance tailored to your operations to strengthen your regulatory compliance systems and minimize the risk of your company becoming an enforcement statistic . To learn how the Compliance Audit Program can help your company , please view our Compliance Audit Program flyer .
MARITIME CYBERSECURITY REVIEW PROGRAM Blank Rome provides a comprehensive solution for protecting your company ’ s property and reputation from the unprecedented cybersecurity challenges present in today ’ s global digital economy . Our multidisciplinary team of leading cybersecurity and data privacy professionals advises clients on the potential consequences of cybersecurity threats and how to implement comprehensive measures for mitigating cyber risks , prepare customized strategy and action plans , and provide ongoing support and maintenance to promote cybersecurity and cyber risk management awareness . Blank Rome ’ s maritime cyber risk management team has the capability to address cybersecurity issues associated with both land-based systems and systems onboard ships , including the implementation of the Guidelines on Cyber Security Onboard Ships and the IMO Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems . To learn how Blank Rome ’ s Maritime Cyber Risk Management Program can help your company , please visit blankrome . com / cybersecurity .
TRADE SANCTIONS AND EXPORT COMPLIANCE REVIEW PROGRAM Blank Rome ’ s Trade Sanctions and Export Compliance Review Program ensures that companies in the maritime , transportation , offshore , and commodities fields do not fall afoul of U . S . trade law requirements . U . S . requirements for trading with Iran , Cuba , Russia , Syria , and other hotspots change rapidly , and U . S . limits on banking and financial services , and restrictions on exports of U . S . goods , software , and technology , impact our shipping and energy clients daily . Our team will review and update our clients ’ internal policies and procedures for complying with these rules on a fixed-fee basis . When needed , our trade team brings extensive experience in compliance audits and planning , investigations and enforcement matters , and government relations , tailored to provide practical and businesslike solutions for shipping , trading , and energy clients worldwide . To learn how the Trade Sanctions and Export Compliance Review Program can help your company , please visit blankrome . com / services / crossborder-international / international-trade or contact Matthew J . Thomas ( matthew . thomas @ blankrome . com , 202.772.5971 ). MAINBRACE • 26