The fit
Gbemi is full of life and vitality,
you only need to take a peep at her
instagram page to get a feel of the
richness of her very active world.
What’s fascinating about it all, is
how she successfully blends Food
& Fitness in to her routine… some-
thing, ordinary people like me are
needing a life time to achieve- you
are either into food or fitness.
It’s one of the hardest things to
pull off- the freedom to eat what
you like coupled with the ability to
burn off the calories and stay fit.
I wonder how she does it and she
made it sound so easy “when I’m
not eating I’m working out, when
I’m not working out I’m eating”
she says. Makes a lot of sense why
her platform is called ‘Dubai Fit
foodie’. Young, Energetic and
inspiring, Gbemi Giwa is using her
platform all the way in the Middle
east to Empower as many women
as possible and while she is on it,
she is picking up awards one food
and fitness journey at a time.
First of all, you look amazing!
You probably hear this all the
time- how did you get here?
Hahaha, thank you so much, you
can never hear that enough. It’s
honestly a mix of good genes,
throwing it down in the gym and
keeping my diet clean 80% of the
Have you always wanted to be in
this line of work or did this just
What most people don’t realize is
that apart from running my blog
I have a full-time job. I work as
a Digital media manager with a
Dubai based agency. However, my
blog has always remained a high
priority on my list since it launched
2 years ago, while I was in Univer-
sity. I’m passionate about getting
21 I Blanck Lite I April 01 2017 I
Words by Franka Chiedu
more people into health and fitness,
so I work weekends and after hours
to create content that not only
inspires action for my audience
but also makes it easier for them
to achieve their goals by providing
tangible resources they can use in
their everyday lives.
Your brand name is equally in-
teresting- putting food and fitness
side by side- how does that really
play out?
Well that’s basically me. If I’m not
eating, I’m working out
What is your number one secret
for staying healthy and happy?
My number one tip must be accept-
ing and loving yourself. I believe
that if you truly love yourself, you
will try to feed your body nourish-
ing foods to help it run at its peak.
You’ll exercise to keep your body
in shape, and you’ll fill your mind