with Ed Husic MP

Fixing Garfield Road West and Townson Road
“ I want a longer commute ”… said no one in our area , ever .
As someone who was raised in Western Sydney ( and who proudly still lives here ), I know how important it is for local infrastructure to keep pace with growth .
That ’ s why today we ’ re announcing a $ 580 million investment from our federal government to support housing and flood relief in the Hawkesbury-Nepean area — targeting Garfield Road West ( going southward from Denmark Road ) and upgrading Townson Road ( finally ).
This will be done in conjunction with the NSW government . This funding will not only cut congestion but also help make these roads more resilient in the face of flooding events .
Past Federal and NSW Liberal governments neglected these roads — and our calls for investment — for years . In our first term , we ’ re righting this wrong !
Bidwill Family Practice recognised
For the last 45 years , hundreds of families in our area know Dr Siow Liew has served Bidwill with genuine care , commitment and a warm smile ( plus the odd Dad joke ).
So , there was something fitting and proper about seeing Dr Liew recognised at a national level , named as a finalist for the Stronger Medicare Award !
Well done to him and the entire team at the Bidwill Family Practice for all you do to help keep our community healthy .
If I can be of assistance about a Federal matter , please do not hesitate to contact my office . See my details below .


with Brad Bunting Mayor , Blacktown City Council
Congratulations to the Blacktown City Citizens of the Year
It was great to see so many people enjoying Council ’ s Australia Day celebrations .
There was plenty of national pride on show , and thousands enjoyed the concert and fireworks .
I had the pleasure on the day of awarding the Citizen of the Year honour to Paul Wynne . Paul received the National Police Medal , the National Medal and the NSW Police Medal during his NSW Police career .
Locally Paul was Blacktown South Public School P & C President and played Santa at school celebrations for 25 years . He was part of the committee that setup Grace ’ s Place at Doonside , supporting child victims of homicide .
Congratulations also to Young Citizen of the Year Marion Coles .
Marion is the founder of the Pay It Forward Angels , a Western Sydney group that helps donate essentials such as food to people in need . Using social media , Marion has rallied a volunteer army of about 1400 people . Last Christmas , the Pay It Forward Angels distributed more than 400 gifts to people in need .
The Mount Druitt Family Science Day , which more than 15 groups collaborated on , was named


Community Event of the Year .


Art extravaganza on show
Have you seen the impressive collection at this year ’ s Blacktown City Art Prize ?
There are 74 finalists ’ works across painting , photography , sculpture , drawing and more at The Leo Kelly Blacktown Arts Centre at Blacktown .
The exhibition is open until 28 March and entry is free . You can cast your vote for the People ’ s Choice Prize . Make sure you also see the Blacktown City Young Artist Prize at the same venue .
Congratulations to the winners and well done to the finalists .
Nominate a local hero for our Senior Citizen Awards
Do you know someone over 55 who is a great example of giving back ? If so , I encourage you to nominate them for Council ’ s Senior Citizen Awards . We want to give credit to those seniors who make valuable contributions to Blacktown City . They might organise a community club , or do volunteer work .
To nominate , search for the Senior Citizen of the Year page on Council ’ s website and fill out the nomination form . Alternatively , pick up a form at Council ’ s Customer Service Centre at 62 Flushcombe Rd , Blacktown .
Please don ’ t delay ; forms must be submitted by Wednesday 19 February .
BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR ! ISSUE 47 // FEBRUARY 2025 19