Mobile phone ban improves learning ,

concentration and socialisation

The Government ’ s decision to ban mobile phones in all NSW public schools has improved student learning , concentration , and encouraged young people to socialise more , according to a new survey by the NSW Department of Education .
One year on from the change , a survey of almost 1,000 public school principals found close to universal support for the ban , at 95 per cent , and most say removing the unnecessary distraction has improved students ’ focus and reduced social isolation .
The NSW Department of Education ’ s Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation survey further found :
• 81 per cent say students ’ learning has improved since mobile phones were banned
• 87 per cent of principals say students are less distracted in the classroom since mobile phones were banned
• 86 per cent of principals say socialising has improved since the mobile phone ban
Since this election commitment was delivered at the beginning of Term 4 , 2023 , public schools across NSW are continuing to report widespread benefits . At Riverstone High School , Principal Rosemary Daubney said students are
more focused during class time , and at recess and lunch are now socialising with one another . Sport is now popular , with students taking up touch football and basketball .
Banning mobile phones in schools is part of the Government ’ s ongoing work to address the harms posed to young people by social media . Initiatives in this space include :
Partnering with the South Australian Government to host a Social Media Summit , exploring new public health responses to minimise the harms caused by social media .
• Launching the Spotlight on Cyberbullying website in collaboration with the eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant to support parents , carers , teachers and schools with evidence based resources to address cyberbullying .
• Launching a $ 2.5 million research fund to investigate the impacts of excessive screen time , video games and mobile phone use on young people and their learning .
• Delivering new syllabuses for teachers explicitly addressing respectful relationships , online safety , cyberbullying , consent education and online harassment and abuse .
Premier Chris Minns said “ Without the distraction of a mobile phone in their pockets , students have been able to focus on their learning , while building stronger relationships with their classmates .
“ This is also about supporting our state ’ s teachers to be able to teach engaged classrooms without the distraction of social media in every student ’ s pocket .”
Member for Riverstone Warren Kirby also commented saying , “ Removing the unnecessary distraction of mobile phones at public schools was a commonsense decision , and it took the Minns Labor Government to get it done .
“ I am pleased to see students and families at Riverstone High School reaping the benefits .” Principal of Riverstone High School Rosemary Daubney said : “ We see greater engagement in the classrooms and more positive social interactions . Students can concentrate and focus . “ In breaks , I used to see students sitting alone , looking at their screens . Now , they are playing games , touch football and basketball .
“ They are laughing and running around , having a good time and talking to each other .
“ The statewide policy helped us win backing from parents .”
24 ISSUE 44 // NOVEMBER 2024 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT