BLACKTOWN ’ S FINEST ... Rachael Hanlon

Rachael Hanlon proudly poses for the birdie with her Blacktown City Citizen of the Year Award . by John Macdonald
Rachael Hanlon , the well deserved recipient of her recent award has spent all her working life at TAFE .
“ I grew up and went to high school in the Fairfield area . From there I went straight to work at TAFE and have been there for 33 years ,” said the long term Blacktown resident .
That 33 years has included spreading the word about the education institution ’ s virtues at various events , presentation and community forums , in addition to her administrative duties . All that has been invaluable preparation for her great , unpaid contribution to the community . Why was Rachael chosen for the citizen ’ s award ? A council citation cites , “ Rachael is president of Blacktown City Lions . Over the last ten years she has raised over $ 400,000 and delivered $ 500,000 worth of food donations . This year , under Rachael ’ s presidency , the Lions have raised money for a piece of disability play equipment at a local playground , purchased a trained therapy puppy and provided wheelchair-friendly outdoor furniture at a local park .
‘’ Rachael was instrumental in building a long-term relationship with Plumpton Rural Fire Brigade and has helped the brigade purchase more than $ 30,000 worth of equipment .’’
Those of a certain vintage would remember a time when Lions and Rotary clubs had large memberships and it was a blokes ’ world . The women might have helped out behind the scenes , ‘ doing what women did ’ but not any more - it is a changed world ! Today women are front and centre , making contributions in pivotal leadership roles .
Ms Hanlon has been a member for 10 years and has served three years as Blacktown ’ s president and seven years as secretary .
“ I joined Blacktown in 2014 with my husband , Rebel ,” Ms Hanlon said .
“ We both hold fulltime jobs , but I enjoyed it and have become more involved and so too did other women , and our club numbers have crept up . I wanted to do something , and the rewards were giving back and making a positive change in people ’ s lives .
‘’ Everyone ’ s a friend and this friendship extends to the highly successful partnerships the club as established within the community with other organisations including Kidswest , the RFS , and Greater Blacktown Business Chamber .
“ You ’ re only as good as the people around you and collectively and as members and partners , we are able to do so much more for Blacktown City and its residents .”
When COVID struck , organising donations became both more difficult and more important . Beyond the basic and necessary food donations , Rachael mentioned the results of the Lions ’ work big and small , everywhere !
That includes a merry-go-round with specific provision for those with disabilities at Nurrangingy , ping-pong
6 ISSUE 43 // OCTOBER 2024 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT