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production @ hdinews . com . au
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Blacktown City 2024 Diwali Lights Competition
Blacktown City ’ s much-loved Diwali Lights Competition is back for 2024 , with residents encouraged to light up their homes to celebrate the vibrant Hindu festival of lights in the suburbs of Blacktown City .
Blacktown City is proudly home to many residents from the Indian sub-continent and the Festival of Diwali holds a special place in these communities , with the celebration now a firmly adopted part of the fabric of the culture of Blacktown City .
More than $ 2,500 in cash prizes is on offer for the best-decorated properties across Blacktown City ’ s five wards .
Prizes will again be awarded for ‘ Best Street ’ and ‘ Best Rangoli ’ ( colourful artworks made from sand , flower petals , flour or rice ).
Judging criteria will be based on the overall appeal of the decorations visible on the front of the property only .
The ancient Hindu Festival of Diwali celebrates the victory of light over darkness , with observers around the world lighting lamps and candles in and around homes and temples .
Residents can nominate their decorated homes through the Blacktown City Council website ,
Marsden Park Overall Winner 2023 Diwali Lights Competition .
www . blacktown . nsw . gov . au / Community / Awardsscholarships-and-competitions / 2024-Diwali- Lights-Competition . - Nominations close : Friday 25 October . - Preliminary judging : Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 October , between 8 pm and 11 pm .
- Final round judging : Friday 1 November , between 8 pm and 11 pm .
The Hindu Council of Australia invites you to join 2024 Deepavali celebrations
Deepavali is India ’ s most cherished celebration , renowned as the Festival of Lights , symbolising the victory of light over darkness , wisdom over ignorance , and good over evil .
Across India and its global diaspora , over a billion people from various faiths come together to mark this five-day festival with prayers , feasts , fireworks , family gatherings , and acts of generosity . In Western India , it also marks the beginning of a new year .
Since 1999 , the Hindu Council of Australia ( HCA ), a national umbrella organisation representing Australian Hindus , has been proudly hosting Deepavali festivities in Sydney . Expanding in 2004 to the Federal Parliament and other locations across Australia , this year celebrates HCA ’ s 26 years of service to the community .
While Blacktown remains a key hub for the event , celebrations will also take place at Box Hill , Stanhope Gardens ,
Edmondson Square , and North Sydney . The Hindu Council of Australia warmly invites everyone — Australians and the Indian community alike — to join the vibrant Deepavali celebrations . Experience cultural performances , a dazzling fashion parade , children ’ s rides with giant wheel , henna painting , and an array of stalls featuring the diverse flavours of Indian cuisine from every state . As a grand finale , witness the spectacular fireworks and the symbolic |
burning of Ravan ’ s effigy ( Ravan Dahan ) on Sunday night at 8:30 PM .
Event Details :
· Date : Saturday & Sunday , 19th & 20th October 2024
· Time : 11 AM to 9 PM
· Location : Blacktown Showground , Richmond Road , Blacktown Come celebrate two days of joyous festivities and multicultural harmony with diverse communities . Let ’ s light up the world together !
4 ISSUE 43 // OCTOBER 2024 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT