Unmasking Coercive Control : a critical step for NSW

with Hugh McDermott MP
NSW is facing a domestic violence crisis and the Minns Labor Government is working to provide enhanced , wraparound support and protection for victim-survivors . Community collaboration and strengthened law reform are integral to reshaping how NSW handles domestic violence .
Coercive control is an insidious form of domestic abuse . From financial and emotional manipulation , violence and intimidation , to threats and isolation , coercive control involves a pattern of behaviours intended to strip an intimate partner of their autonomy and independence . Whether by monitoring your bank account , tracking your whereabouts , or listening in to every family call , coercive control is far too prevalent in our community .
As a Government , we recognise coercive control as a catalyst to vicious cycles of domestic abuse impacting our community . That ’ s why NSW was the first Australian jurisdiction to implement a stand-alone , dedicated offence of coercive control . From July 2024 , perpetrators of coercive control can face up to seven years imprisonment .
As the State Member for Prospect and Parliamentary Secretary to the Attorney General , I ’ m committed to stand against
this pervasive abuse , and work with the fierce advocates in our community to prevent further loss and suffering in NSW .
For the first time in Western Sydney since the implementation of coercive control laws , government , legal , police , health , and community sector representatives came together to establish a unified approach to better support victims and hold perpetrators accountable .
On 12th September 2024 , I joined Stephen Bali MP Member for Blacktown , NSW Women ’ s Safety Commissioner Dr Hannah Tonkin , Deputy Chief Magistrate of the Local Court of NSW Theo Tsavdaridis and Chair of Domestic Violence NSW Annabelle Daniel OAM at the LEAD and Harmon Foundation Forum , ‘ Unmasking Coercive Control – The Hidden Abuse : How to spot it and stop it ?’
Together , we navigated the complexities of this criminal behaviour to chart a clearer path for professionals and community leaders to understand and address it .
Sharmily Nagarsekar , CEO of LEAD Professional Development Association Inc reflected , “ Real change starts with conversation , and lasting impact is achieved through continuous learning . As perpetrator tactics evolve rapidly , an adaptable , integrated approach is crucial to drive meaningful and enduring change
in domestic violence and women ’ s safety , by embedding culturally inclusive and responsive practices .”
Aware that this law cannot operate in a vacuum , the NSW Government has allocated $ 5.6 million for the implementation of the coercive control laws , including police training , multicultural awareness campaigns and educational resources .
We ’ ve also implemented stronger bail laws in NSW . People charged with serious domestic violence offences will be required to show cause as to why they should not be detained until their case is determined , to prevent horrific consequences of repeat offending .
During the September Parliament of NSW Sitting , we also introduced tougher penalties for “ repeat breaches ” and created a new offence for “ persistent
breaches ” of Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders ( ADVOs ). When breaches happen again and again in quick succession , it ’ s a sign that things are escalating — and fast . This is exactly the kind of targeted approach we need to get ahead of escalating violence before it turns lethal .
As we continue our work to make NSW a safer place , we are implementing our state ’ s first Primary Prevention Strategy to address the drivers of violence and stop it before it starts .
Through these significant reforms , the Minns Labor Government is sending a message that any form of domestic , family and sexual violence will not be tolerated . We ’ ve listened to the lived experience of victim-survivors , and are targeting critical gaps in the current system , to make life safer for those at risk .
20 ISSUE 43 // OCTOBER 2024 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT