Life-saving defibrillators with Ed Husic MP available for Mount Druitt sports facilities
Sports facilities in the Mount Druitt electorate can apply for their share of $ 500,000 in funding from the NSW Government for new life-saving defibrillators .
The equipment is funded under the NSW Government ’ s Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program which provides up to $ 3,000 to eligible sporting organisations for the purchase of automated external defibrillators at sports facilities .
Since the Program commenced , more than 2,000 defibrillators have been installed at sports facilities across NSW .
Edmond Atalla , Member for Mount Druitt said : “ With a record number of people engaging in sports and active recreation , it ’ s essential that sports facilities in the Mount Druitt electorate are prepared to manage potentially lifethreatening situations .”
“ The Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program helps Mount Druitt sports organizations purchase and install this vital equipment at their venues .”
Professor Jamie Vandenberg , Codeputy Director of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute , said , “ Being able to access a defibrillator quickly and easily could be the difference between life and death for someone suffering a sudden cardiac arrest .”
“ In fact , survival rates nearly double if a defibrillator is used in the first few minutes of a cardiac arrest . Currently just one in 10 people who have a sudden cardiac arrest outside of hospital will survive . This is a sobering statistic but it ’ s one we can change for the better by installing more of these lifesaving devices in sports clubs across the State .”
Applications close 27 November 2024 or when funding is exhausted . For further information , including eligibility criteria , please see the Program guidelines at : www . sport . nsw . gov . au / grants / local-sportdefibrillator-grant-program
Local students thinking big During National Science Week I asked local students to tell me about their vision for Western Sydney in 2040 .
From re-designing Mount Druitt Town Centre to biotopia towns , rethinking the way we protect nature , building energy efficient homes and neighbourhoods , to new ways of making recyclable plastics , these young minds are thinking big about a sustainable future . I visited a number of schools to see firsthand students showcasing their ideas to improve our area .
Well done to the students at Rooty Hill High School , Australian Islamic College Sydney , Doonside Public School , Doonside Technology High , Plumpton High School and Plumpton Public School .
Green Energy You know they make great chocolate , but did you know Lindt is generating a lot of power too ?
They installed nearly 2,000 solar panels on top of the car parking shade at their Marsden Park HQ . This huge investment is using the sun to help power their manufacturing facility .
With CEO Michael Schai , the Lindt team and with the help of a stunning sunny day , I got to “ flick the switch ” to help them go live on the site – and also congratulated the first Lindt employee who charged her EV at work . Lindt is thinking ahead and investing to help reach Net Zero . Love it .
If I can be of assistance about a Federal matter , please do not hesitate to contact my office . Seel my details below .
18 ISSUE 43 // OCTOBER 2024 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT