When it comes to R U OK , lead by example

A conversation can change a life .
This is the premise in which R U OK ? was founded on – ask R U OK ? any day , because life happens every day .
It ’ s easy to be all talk and no action , but to practice what you preach is where the real change starts to happen .
At Mountain View Adventist College , the stigma surrounding mental health is being shattered , one open conversation at a time .
Dominique Howcroft , counsellor at Mountain View , works with the team to prioritise open conversations and creating a safe , welcoming space for all students .
“ Even our staff are participating . It ’ s one thing to have our students engage in the activities we ’ ve created , but it ’ s another to have our staff leading by example .”
“ We really want to emphasise that we are here to help – this is your community , this is your tribe . These conversations can be hard , but we can have them .”
Creating positive experiences from the start at Mountain View
allows students to be set up for positive experiences in future when it comes to asking for help .
Dominique aims to take away the barriers students may face when reaching out for help .
“ There needs to be less red tape around it . We create an environment that is inviting and accepting , that remains confidential , that students can feel safe in .”
“ Ideally , we ’ ll shape their experiences here so that future encounters with reaching out for support aren ’ t as daunting or stigmatised .”
To learn more about Mountain View Adventist College , visit mvac . adventist . edu . au .

Expansion of AI tool trial

All NSW public school teachers will soon have access to a generative AI app developed by the NSW Department of Education , after feedback from a trial in 50 schools showed the tool significantly improved workload efficiency and enabled teachers to focus more of their time on the classroom .
In what will be one of the world ’ s largest systemic rollouts of AI chat for teachers , NSWEduChat will be made available for all teachers by the start of Term 4 . The trial began in 16 schools at the start of 2024 and initially expanded to 50 schools in Term 2 .
Purpose-built for use in education , NSWEduChat has distinct versions for teachers and students with the version for teachers aiming to reduce time spent on routine administrative tasks . The expansion of access to the generative AI app NSWEduChat follows high engagement and positive feedback from the initial trial including :
- Time saved producing a range of resources to meet the different ability levels of students .
- Improved ability to adjust classroom resources to students ’ interests .
- Significant time saving in checking correspondence , newsletters , and preparing materials .
- Some teachers involved in the NSWEduChat trial have reported saving over an hour per week on producing various lesson resources .
The objective of the trial is to understand the benefits of generative AI on teaching and learning – including how it can assist teachers to get through administrative work more quickly so their energy is focussed on students .
As part of our work to address the teacher shortage , which includes paying teachers more and giving more teachers permanent roles , the NSW Government is committed to reducing the admin load on teachers by five hours per week .
Providing NSWEduChat access to staff systemwide will allow the Department to explore the impact of the tool in assisting teachers to save time while creating quality learning opportunities for students .
NSWEduChat is based in the department ’ s own cloud environment , ensuring data is secure . Use of the app is optional for staff . To help staff use the app , the department provides professional learning resources including workshops and online guides .

New Centre in Blacktown Avail a FREE Lesson

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