5.30am to 9am WEEKDAYS
4pm to 6pm WEEKDAYS
Julie Ryan 0421 574 093 OWNER / EDITOR / PUBLISHER info @ hdinews . com . au PO Box 16 WINDSOR NSW 2756
Natalie Reed 0411 030 474 Natwest Creative Designs www . natwestcreativedesigns . com . au
production @ hdinews . com . au
Lorraine Clifford 0488 025 533 lorraine @ hdinews . com . au
Greg Martin 0420 655 524 greg @ hdinews . com . au
John Macdonald john @ hdinews . com . au
Maryann Callaghan 0427 442 452 maryann @ hdinews . com . au
Lorna Gordon 0402 596 244 lorna @ hdinews . com . au
Matt Austin 0425 304 006 duckman @ hdinews . com . au
Haley De Martin 0408 634 583 haley @ hdinews . com . au
Kathryn Johnston 0422 404 366 kath @ hdinews . com . au
Myee Lallyette 0413 305 578 myee @ hdinews . com . au
David Burnet 0412 448 883 david @ hdinews . com . au
Disclaimer : The comments of columnists and contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of the Independent magazine group . The Independent nor any person acting on their behalf , may be held responsible for the use to which the information contained in this publication may be put , or for any errors which , despite careful preparation and checking , may appear .
Her Way Program
Progress has begun on NSW ’ s Safer Cities : Her Way Program , this important project aims to improve the feeling of safety for women , girls and gender diverse people in our community .
As part of Transport for NSW ’ s Safer Cities : Her Way Program , Blacktown City Council received a $ 1 million grant to deliver trial improvements and events around public spaces such as streets and transport hub precincts , to make them feel safer and more welcoming for everyone . Following extensive engagement with local women , girls and gender diverse people , Blacktown Station Plaza , Jim Simpson Lane and sections of Main Street have been chosen as locations for the trial improvements and events . Trial improvements currently in place include : - Removal of redundant signage and trolley bays - Installation of new , clearer directional signage
( wayfinding ) - A refreshed taxi rank - An increased cleaning program . Upcoming improvements and events include : - New seating - New plant boxes - Public artwork at Blacktown Station Plaza to enhance the sense of arrival - Creative lighting along sections of Main Street - Community food events to bring people together in the spaces . How can the community can get involved ?
Now that most of the trial improvements are in place , Council is keen to hear from women , girls and gender diverse people over 13-years-old about how these have changed their feelings of safety .
The community can take an online survey or register to take a short walk where they will look at the trial improvements with other participants and discuss feedback and ideas for further improvement . These walks will be a chance to celebrate what has
been achieved through the community co-design process so far . The survey https :// www . blacktown . nsw . gov . au / Have-Your-Say /
Safer-Cities-Her-Way-Program closes on Tuesday 13 August 2024 . We want to hear feedback from people of all ages , needs and backgrounds to ensure our public spaces work for everyone . To find out more about the project , please visit : Safer Cities : Her
Way Program - Blacktown City ( nsw . gov . au )
The difference is the music
busco for breakfast
5.30am to 9am WEEKDAYS
3.5 hours of Fun , Frolic & Adventure with particular focus on Sydney ’ s Golden West !!
News ( with a Western Sydney focus ), Music , Traffic and Weather – with plenty of fun to get your morning started !! drive with linden
4pm to 6pm WEEKDAYS
Drive with Linden brings you your local entertainment for the drive home .
Get updates on what ’ s happening in your area and the latest traffic information every 15 minutes .
Streaming on swr999 . com . au
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4 ISSUE 41 // AUGUST 2024 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT