Blacktown City Independent BCI 32 November 2023 | Page 7

Bruce Shaw

we came home from Vietnam , people called us child killers and murderers for serving our country . The government did nothing to help us and we had to fight the DVA ( Department of Veteran ’ s Affairs ) to get anything , it left a lot of people disillusioned .
“ Even the people at the RSLs didn ’ t want to help us , they didn ’ t see it as a war although over 500 men lost their lives .”
It took nearly forty years for Bruce to go to an RSL sub branch when he was encouraged by a friend to join the RSL in Riverstone where he could meet with fellow service men . He found the experience to be a positive one and attended his first ANZAC Day March in 2014 . In 2016 Bruce became the president .
“ I meet up with guys who have been through what I have , they have the same mindset and talking to each other provides group support and a feeling of belong . We were alienated when we came back , no one wanted to talk to me , but now there is a good support system available for us .”
Bruce has worked hard to make the RSL sub branch part of the community . There are several groups who use the hall during the week for seniors ’ exercise and a ladies ’ quilting group , as well as GDK Karate and a church meeting .
Over the last few years Bruce and the other members have been working to renovate the hall to make it more comfortable and appealing . The inside has had new flooring put down and a fresh coat of paint in a brighter colour .
A mural was painted outside the building and as I was in talking to Bruce , the garden at the front was getting a facelift with new plants , mulch , fresh white stones and two beautiful cut out metal soldiers standing to attention .
While the community makes use of the hall for groups and celebrations , Bruce is keen to encourage younger service men and women to join the branch and use the support of people who know what it ’ s like to serve their country .
“ We have an open door policy for service men and women to come in , the office is open from 8am to 12 o ’ clock four days a week .
“ You are welcome to drop in ; you don ’ t need to make an appointment . We find that most of the younger service people have their own associations , but we would like to bring the younger members in to join us .”
The ANZAC Day March at Riverstone is one of the largest in the area with around 7,000 people attending the ceremony this year . Bruce explained that it takes him three months to plan the march , as it takes such a long time to get things organised so it runs smoothly .
“ Gives me a lot of pride , but I ’ ve been told you can ’ t even look at me for the week before , I get so stressed out making sure everything is perfect . Along with the service men and women who came to the service this year , we had 21 schools lay wreaths , the choir from St John ’ s were there , as were the pipers , the SES , fire brigade , police and ambulance service and of course , local people .”
While the ANZAC Day March might
Bruce as a young man in his army uniform before he was deployed to Vietnam .
bring in more people , Bruce and the other members of the RSL are looking froward to having its Remembrance Day Ceremony this month , which falls on a Saturday .
Bruce was already working on the preparation for this as we chatted .
There are a few new things to look forward to this year , so make sure you head to the Riverstone War Memorial on
11 November at 10.45 to be ready for the service .
If you would like to drop in to the RSL sub branch you can find it at 18 Market Street , Riverstone . The phone number is 02 9627 2986 and you can find them on Facebook at Riverstone – Schofields RSL sub branch .
BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 32 // NOVEMBER 2023 7