Blacktown City Independent #009 December 2021 | Page 7

Danny Eastwood

Citizen of the Year ( 2018 ) and first prizes in the NSW Parliament Award and the NAIDOC Poster Award .
But for this humble , self-effacing man , just creating his works of art with fertile imagination and those dexterous mitts is his true reward .
Danny ( where does he find the energy ) has , since moving to Mt Druitt with Pam and his three children , Jamie , Trevor and Melinda , has always been heavily involved with several local foundations striving to improve the lot of the large local Aboriginal community .
It is only in recent years since retiring from the workforce – there was never a time in his life since he was 13 that he hasn ’ t been employed – has he been able to solely devote his time to his art .
“ The family – my parents , Dave and Moira and my four brothers and three sisters – were living at Bradfield Park near Lindfield , it wasn ’ t a posh suburb back then , and our house backed onto Lane Cove National Park ,” Danny said .
“ Previously we lived in slum ghettos in Redfern and Waterloo before the ( Housing ) commission moved us to Bradfield Park where we firstly lived in old army barracks before getting a house .
“ I loved it there – roaming over just about every inch of the national park and getting to learn about the flora and fauna . “ It was that time spent in the park which gave me a love of nature and the bush .”
“ I worked in numerous jobs since I was about 13 and a half , firstly helping a bloke
down on the Lane Cove River who hired out row-boats , then as a storeman and in motor parts before becoming a fireman with NSW Fire Brigade when I was 30 ,” Danny explained .
Despite leaving school so early in life , Danny always had a thirst for knowledge and was a prolific book reader .
“ Maths books , books on English , motor vehicles , art of course – in fact anything which would educate me ,” he said .
His love of art was bestowed on him by his father who Danny describes as being as talented in art as he was in boxing .
“ He began teaching me both crafts when I was four-years-old – he was a great mentor in both ,” Dave said .
“ The boxing training certainly came in handy during my schooldays . I was a shy and timid kid but I never took a backward step and could never tolerate bullies .
“ There were a couple of occasions during my younger days when those boxing skills learned off dad helped me put bullies in their place and on their arses .”
Danny ’ s bent for art was given a boost when , at 18 he won art scholarship to East Sydney Technical College .
“ I soon learned it wasn ’ t my scene – too arty-farty and mixing with those Bohemian types was not for me .”
So like many before and since , Danny developed and honed his amazing artistic skills by “ working ” in the craft – always part-time until retiring from the NSW Fire Brigade .
During the interview and the later
Danny and one of his creations , a superbly-crafted sculptures of an aged Aboriginal warrior . Photo : Kathryn Johnston .
photo session with our photographer , Kath Johnston , Pam was always in attendance and helping out with snippets of information including the date of their marriage .
“ It was on May 25 , 1968 , just after I turned 18 ,” Pam said , as she and her husband exchanged beaming smiles .
“ We met at Stanley Owens Bookbinding store in Wynyard , when I was just 14 and working as a bookbinder and Danny was one of the storemen .”
It was only natural that the couple would be bound together !
Both Jamie and Trevor , a fireman stationed at Penrith , also display artistic abilities but not so Melinda , however her daughter , Tarnie-Rose May , one of Pam and Danny ’ s eight grandchildren , has inherited her grandfather ’ s skills with a paintbrush .
Despite both Pam and Danny having their share of ill health in recent years , both are still in fine spirits and “ battling along ”.
I love this job because every month I get the opportunity to meet people who have contributed to making lives better for their fellow man .
Danny and Pam Eastwood are no exceptions – and as dirty Harry said , meeting them did “ make my day ”.





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BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 09 // DECEMBER 2021 7