Blacktown City Independent #009 December 2021 | Page 20



Husic MP Member for Chifley
If I can be of any assistance about a Federal matter please do not hesitate to contact my office on :
Office : Shop 41 Plumpton Marketplace , Cnr Hyatts & Jersey Road , Plumpton NSW 2761 Mail : PO Box 589 , Plumpton NSW 2761 Email : contact @ edhusic . com Phone : ( 02 ) 9625 4344 / edhusic @ edhusicmp edhusic . com Ed4Chifley
Authorised by Ed Husic MP , ALP , Shop 41 Plumpton Marketplace , Cnr Hyatts & Jersey Road , Plumpton NSW 2761 .

Chifley ’ s community spirit shines through

with Ed Husic MP
As we approach the holiday season , I want to express my sincere admiration for way our local community weathered the lows and celebrated the highs of the year .
Who knew that 2021 would be tougher than 2020 ? After almost four months of lockdown , I know many of you will be looking forward to spending time
with family and friends . Know that your hard work throughout the year kept the community together .
Many community organisations continued to provide their services despite the challenges of lockdown . Whether that was providing meals to residents impacted by COVID or hospital staff and pharmacists who worked around the clock to get us vaccinated , I want to thank you for your persistence .
They say people show their true colours during times of crisis . The Chifley community can stand tall , knowing we are a community who steps us when push comes to shove . We see that attitude in all corners of the Chifley electorate .
It ’ s that sort of spirit that led to the area achieving the highest vaccination rates of any local government area in NSW . And it ’ s that spirit that makes me so
proud to represent you .
Don ’ t forget to take time to rest and remember to slow down after what ’ s been a big year .
If you live in the Chifley electorate , you ’ ll be receiving a Christmas card from me soon so keep an eye out on the post . The front cover is designed by Lori-Anne Blanchard from Bidwill Public School . Thank you Lori-Anne for your terrific artwork and creativity .

Recycling a winner in Festival of Lights

Schofields Kadukar-Kusoorkar family has gone one better in this year ’ s Blacktown City Diwali Lights Competition after being named the Overall City Winner in a field of 60 entries .
The household at 62 Ward Street received the runner-up prize in the 2020 competition but took out the big prize this year with an impressive display featuring lotus and lantern decorations , handmade from recycled materials , including plastic bottles , cardboard and spoons .
Winner Apurv Kusoorkar , who entered the competition with his wife Sarita Kadukar , said Diwali was a special time for his family , who moved to Schofields in 2019 and have participated in the competition ever since .
“ This festival is very important for our family as we were born in India and we feel it is a great way to let our daughter know about our culture ,” Apurv said .
“ This competition is a great integration with Australian culture . Diwali is even more special to my family as our daughter was born on Diwali in 2019 .”
Apurv and Sarita used their spare time during the COVID-19 lockdown to decorate their home , taking them up to 20 weekends to complete .
“ Winning is not as important as the pride and happiness we get when cars drive past and see the house and tell their kids what the festival is about . The award is the cherry on top ,” Apurv said .
Ronneel Kumar took out second place in the Overall City Winner category for his wonderfully-decorated property at 57 Hampton Crescent , Prospect .
It was a neighbourly affair in Schofields , with Manjunath Hukkeri of 64 Ward Street awarded third prize overall .
Apurv Kusoorkar and Sarita Kadukar were named the Overall City Winner in the 2021 Blacktown City Diwali Lights Competition .
Ward Street was unsurprisingly named Blacktown City ’ s ‘ Best Street ’, while 64 Ward Street , Schofields , also received the prize for ‘ Best Rangoli ’.
Residents across Blacktown City are encouraged to light up their homes which celebrates the ancient Hindu festival of Diwali - to recognise the victory of light over darkness .
Blacktown City is home to more than 80,000 residents of Indian descent .
2021 Ward winners :
• Ward 1 - 106 Mosaic Avenue , The Ponds
• Ward 3 - 57 Hampton Crescent , Prospect
• Ward 4 - 13 Golding Drive , Glendenning
• Ward 5 - 62 Ward Street , Schofields
20 ISSUE 09 // DECEMBER 2021 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT