Blacktown City Independent #009 December 2021 | Page 14

And now for a little me time

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The Dropout

by Lorna Gordon
True crime podcasts are a favourite among podcast listeners and have huge followings . This month we are looking at The Dropout , a podcast by ABC News about Elizabeth Holmes , a young woman who founded a company called Theranos .
Theranos was supposed to be developing new technology to test blood , however they failed to get approval by several important agencies in the USA and in 2015 the validity of their testing was questioned by the medical profession .
In 2018 Elizabeth Holmes was charged with fraud and the podcasts picks up on this story in early 2019 .
The first six episodes focus on the development of the company and then it ’ s downfall . The show paused , while Elizabeth waited for her trial to come up , and began again in August of this year when the trial finally began . The podcast now runs weekly , following the trial , the witnesses and the people who invested millions into Theranos . How this podcast ends will depend entirely on what happens when the trial ends and sentencing is made .
This podcast will thrill lovers of true crimes and , as it is an ongoing investigation , will keep you on the edge of your seat waiting to find out what happens .
Follow the trial of Elizabeth Holmes , founder of Theranos .


The power of saying “ no ”

by Lorna Gordon
Most of us are used to everything being available 24 / 7 , we can stream TV or movies when we want it , shop online when the fancy takes us and contact people at any time . While this can be helpful , it also means that we are

Saying no can help to reduce stress , gives you free time and can increase your energy .

reduce stress , gives you free time and can increase your energy .
To help with saying no it ’ s useful to give yourself some guidelines , you might only say yes to one event a weekend , so you have a day free to be with family , have some downtime or catch up on chores .
You could book your free time in
often expected to be available
24 / 7 as well , that can be with work , friends and family .
As this year draws to a close and the holidays are fast approaching , I ’ m here to remind you of something you might have forgotten in the excitement of lockdown ending .
You are allowed to say no to things . You already know this ( if you are a parent , you probably say it enough to your kids !) but I want to tell you why setting boundaries is important , especially when things get busy .
This year after being away from friends and family for so long it ’ s tempting to say yes to all the invites and events that pop up over the holidays , but this can lead to a packed schedule and no down time to relax properly . Saying no can help to
advance so you can say no to invites you might have gone along to because you feel like you ‘ should ’, rather than because you want to .
If you struggle to say no , then think about how to give yourself time to think about it . You can say things like “ I ’ ll get back to you ”, “ I need to check with husband / wife / friends to see if we are free ” , “ My work schedule is pretty busy , I ’ ll have to see if it ’ s possible .” All of these responses allow you space to choose what you want to do without the pressure of an immediate answer .
The last thing I would say is , be gracious when people say no to you . While it ’ s nice to have all your family or friends at a party , no one likes to be pressured into attending an event or being somewhere they don ’ t want to be .
Picture : Isaiah Rustad .
14 ISSUE 09 // DECEMBER 2021 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT