Blacktown City Independent #009 December 2021 | Page 12

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Return , earn and help sick kids

A new indoor recycling centre has conveniently opened in the heart of Blacktown City which not only gives you cash for helping save our environment , but it also gives you a chance to help sick kids from the Starlight Foundation .
Located at 10 Third Avenue , Blacktown Return and Earn is a high-capacity collection site which features an indoor , air-conditioned area .
It replaces the reverse vending machine previously located at Dan Murphy ’ s Blacktown , said James Dorney , CEO of TOMRA Cleanaway , network operator of the scheme .
“ Blacktown residents are already passionate recyclers , having returned more than 329 million containers since Return and Earn launched in December 2017 ,” he said .
“ By using this return point , in combination with your household recycling collection , we can all do our bit to reduce the millions of containers that are littered in the NSW environment each year while also being rewarded for our efforts .
“ Users have the option to print a retail cash voucher for the refund amount , redeemable at Woolworths , or alternatively they can opt for an e-voucher or direct payment into their bank account or PayPal account by downloading the MyTOMRA app before visiting .”
Consumers receive a 10-cent refund for each eligible bottle , can or carton they return or can choose to donate their refund to one of the onscreen charity partners available on the machine , including the current local donation partner ‘ Blacktown Asylum Seeker Centre ’. Up until 3 April you can also donate

Mayoress ’ Christmas Gift Appeal

The Blacktown City community is celebrating Christmas for everyone in a big way .
Having just finished its series of three , free Christmas concerts at Mt Druitt , Blacktown and Riverstone , and gift-giving to those less fortunate through the Mayoress ’ Christmas Gift Appeal .
Hoping our community can dig deep and better the 3,500 gifts donated to last year ’ s appeal , Mayoress Nina Bleasdale is encouraging everyone to give generously for those who did it tough during the COVID-19 lockdowns .
“ Sadly , many people have been hit hard financially during this difficult time ,” Ms Bleasdale said .
“ A lot have lost work or lost their livelihoods and struggled to put food on the table .
“ This gift appeal is just a small way to give back to those doing it tough to ensure everyone can enjoy a happy festive season .”
Gifts will be donated to local charities including Mount Druitt Ethnic Communities Agency ( MECA ), Blacktown Area Community Centres Inc . ( BACC ), Riverstone Neighbourhood Centre and Community Aid Service Corporation , Carevan Blacktown and Butucarbin Aboriginal Corp .
The new , high capacity , indoor Blacktown Return and Earn station at 10 Third Avenue .
10 cent refunds to the Containers 4 Kids campaign .
All money donated at this new Blacktown facility as well as other Return and Earn reverse vending machines goes directly to the Starlight Children ’ s Foundation .
Environment Minister , Matt Kean , is encouraging everyone to donate proceeds from their eligible beverage containers to the Containers 4 Kids campaign to help raise $ 250,00 to help brighten the lives of sick kids in NSW .
“ Return and Earn , TOMRA and Cleanaway launched Containers 4 Kids to support the Starlight Children ’ s Foundation deliver vital in-hospital services like Captain Starlight and the Starlight Express Rooms across NSW ,” Mr Kean said .
The new Blacktown Return and Earn Centre is open from Monday-Saturday , 7am-7pm ( closed on Sundays ).
For more information on Return and Earn including checking container eligibility or the status of your nearest return point , visit : returnandearn . org . au .
Mayoress Nina Bleasdale ( centre ) with some of the thousands of gifts donated in last year ’ s appeal .

2021 Mayoress ’ Christmas Gift Appeal

• Gifts for children aged up to 16 years can include new and unused toys , books , clothing and non-perishable goods
• Donated items should be left unwrapped or placed in a gift bag to aid sorting and distribution
• Gifts will be accepted until 5.00pm on Friday , 10 December
• Drop-off locations are listed on the council website : blacktown . nsw . gov . au .
12 ISSUE 09 // DECEMBER 2021 theindependentmagazine . com . au BLACKTOWN CITY INDEPENDENT