BlackFriars Volume IV, Issue I | Page 3

Letter from the Director

Dear Friend ,

One of our traditional Dominican hymns begins with the words “ O spem miram ,” or “ O wonderful hope .” The phrase refers to the promise of continued assistance that Saint Dominic left his brethren as he passed on to his eternal reward . Friars throughout the world chant the hymn in grateful expectation of his fostering from heaven his Dominican friars on earth .
A visible sign of our founder ’ s constant intercession was on display recently in Rome , where Pope Francis joined over 2,000 Dominicans to celebrate a Mass marking the closing of the Order ’ s 800th anniversary on January 21st . In his homily , the Holy Father contrasted the salt and light offered to the world through the preaching of the Gospel with the “ carnival of worldly curiosity ” constantly on offer in a modern society that lacks “ solid and stable references ” for navigating an increasingly complex environment .
The pope ’ s words remind us that we Dominican friars must see that this salt does not lose its taste so that the Gospel can shine ever more brightly . Whether through prayer or through preaching , our expanding province aims to cultivate within the world a taste for the Gospel . Your help fortifies us for the task . Through your heartfelt assistance , we are able to offer alternatives to the carnival of worldly curiosity .
In this issue , I invite you to read about the passion and dedication of our friars on display throughout the 2017 March for Life as well as a touching account of one friar baptizing and confirming a new-born baby clinging to life in a New York City hospital and how our ancient confraternities are renewing the spiritual lives of Catholics in the modern world .
Our work in seasoning life with the salt of the Gospel represents a concrete expression of your contributions to our efforts . Together , we can continue to flavor our sometimes despondent and distracted world . We invite you to join our wonderful hope and continue to provide for those willing to ‘ taste and see ,’ a fixed point that aims squarely toward heaven .
Wishing you all the blessings that I can give ,
Photo : Prior Provincial Fr . Kenneth Letoile , O . P ., meets with Pope Francis in Rome during the Dominican General Chapter
BlackFriars - Volume IV , Issue I 3