BlackFriars Volume III, Issue II | Page 8

JESUS IN THE FLESH AND AMONG DOMINICAN SPIRITUALITY THE OF OF TALA THELEPERS PROBLEM ABORTION Adapted from a blog post on By Br. Antoninus Maria Samy, O.P. By Br. Reginald Hoefer, O.P. Br. Antoninus Samy holds a doctorate in economic history from Oxford University Restlessness seems ubiquitous today. and worked for the Australian Government People are uncomfortable with the stability before becoming a Dominican Friar. of human nature and obsessed with the Several ago,autonomy. I served as The a Dominican idea of years personal abortion lay volunteer where industry feeds in on the this Philippines, discomfort because one of my was toour work in it offers us apostolates a way to pursue bodily apleasures leprosy without hospital.being One subject patienttothere, their anatural, 75-year-old man who was severely biological consequences. Having deformed crippled selfless by his endeavor disease, children is and an inherently becausea itparticular makes usimpression give up our made on own me freedom; abortion provides ushis a way to given the but joy he radiated despite great avoid that. suffering. One wereauthorities talking, I ran out Thus,day for when some, we Church seem to of things to say and asked a somewhat be trying to keep women from enjoying the clumsy question: that “So Kuya Manny, have kind of autonomy is their “God-given you done anything interesting this week?” right”: “A woman shouldn’t have to carry His answer astounded “We don’t do a baby to term if doing me: so would infringe much really, apart from suffer. But we upon her chosen lifestyle, should she?” don’t suffer for nothing. We suffer for all those who need God’s mercy A fewoutside protesters on the steps of and the love, and we offer up our sufferings gladly Supreme Court sport signs like “Pro-faith. for them because we knowThe thatnewspapers God loves Pro-family. Pro-choice.” us very much.”of these “Pro-choicers” next show pictures to a few “Pro-lifers” but they often ignore Ithe later traced thispresence heroic spirituality to overwhelming of the March an American Dominican, Fr.the Anthony for Life. Why? The reality is that activity Leo Hofstee, O.P., a World War II military chaplain who devoted his life to the care of the lepers in Tala after seeing their miserable plight while onand R&R there. In of the pro-abortion lobby their media allies protects our it addition to using hiscultural militaryselfishness: connections strives to ensure an autonomy such that to improve the patients’ living standards, we need not used even be to our own Fr. Hofstee thesubject spiritual wisdom biological processes. he had gained from his formation at the Dominican House of Studies to teach the God’s remedy for Christ, our restlessness wasuse to lepers that, like they could become human us the their crosses forand theshow salvation ofgoodness souls. In of our own nature. He renews this the process, Fr. Hofstee transformedgreat the act of from mercy daily by giving us His own lepers mere victims into interceding flesh in the Eucharist as healing for our contemplatives. unhappiness. He is infinite, and only He Inspired byinfinite Fr. Hofstee’s I thank can fill our longingexample, for happiness. God for leading me to a life devoted to the service of Christ and of the poor, which is made possible by your generous financial support. Tune into into Sirius SiriusXM129 XM129every everyFriday Fridayatat1:00pm 1:00pmET ETfor forthe theDominican-hosted Dominican-hostedWord Wordto toLife Liferadio radiobroadcast. broadcast. Tune ExecutiveDirector Director Executive Director/COO Director/COO Planned Giving Officer Planned Giving Marketing/IT Marketing/IT Planned Giving Manager Executive Liaison Editor Editor GraphicDesigner Designer Graphic PhotoRetoucher Retoucher Photo 0100_BlackFriars_VF2.indd 173354_BlackFriars_r1.indd 88 Father Gabriel O.P. Father GabrielGillen, Gillen, O.P. John Lacorazza John Lacorazza Catherine Scalera Catherine Scalera Barry Clark Barry Clark Marie Smith Marie Smith Matthew Kirby Matthew Kirby Andre Padayhag Adam Stonier Joshua Vargas Joshua Vargas Blackfriars App BlackfriarsMedia Media App 6/3/16 1:47 2/16/16 3:28 AM PM