141 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10065
A Quarterly
publication of
The Dominican Foundation
Dominican Friars
Province of St. Joseph
Fr. Brian Mulcahy, O.P.
Executive Director
Fr. Gabriel Gillen, O.P.
John Lacorazza
Planned Giving
Diana Kilarjian
Barry Clark
George Goss
Graphic Designer
Roland Lizares
BlackFriars Media App
2 | TheTrumpet
Message from the Director
Fr. Paul Scanlon, O.P., (center) and Br. Pius
Youn, O.P., (left) with members of the Boy
Scouts. Originally from California, Br. Pious
graduated from New York University.
Dear Friends,
fter my sister Eileen had a
miscarriage at the age of 37,
she was in a tremendous
amount of pain as she mourned the
death of her unborn child. Eileen and
her husband, John, already had two
beautiful children, but she wanted to
know exactly what went wrong.
I put her in contact with Dr.
Leonine Watson who was trained
in Natural Procreative Technology
(NaPro); a new scientific method for
diagnosing the underlying problems
of many women’s health issues. I
remember Eileen calling me after her
first meeting. She was amazed about
how much she had learned about her
own reproductive health. Months later
she called me with the good news,
she was pregnant! Billy was born
in June 2004, and another healthy
nephew named Danny was born
three years later.
InVitro Fertilization (IVF) and
contraception are both such accepted
fixtures in our culture that a serious
challenge to them is much like the
story of David taking on Goliath. It
Inspired by his Son’s Eagle Scout Project,
Doctor Gives Back to the Dominican Friars
By George Goss
Fr. Gabriel Gillen, O.P., with his nephews,
Billy and Danny.
I know that the training I received
from the Dominicans was invaluable
in allowing me to reach my sister and
many other people in their deepest
needs while serving as a chaplain
in hospitals and
college campuses.
One day all doctors will dismiss
Our work is
IVF and contraception as a sad,
possible only
bizarre chapter in medical history
because of your
generosity, and I
whose last pages are even now
am deeply grateful!
being written.”
Our film is just
one small stone,
wasn’t until I met a few Catholic film
which we are slinging at the ingrained
students, while serving as a college
contraceptive mentality of the medical
chaplain at NYU, that I thought we
profession. One day all doctors will
had a shot of telling the NaPro story
dismiss IVF and contraception as a
in a persuasive way that could reach
sad, bizarre chapter in medical history
young people who are suffering
whose last pages are even now being
from infertility or being poisoned by
written. Please send me a note if you
the pill. I felt even more compelled
are interested in receiving a DVD of
when I found out that one of our
NaPro: A Quiet Revolution.
friars had sent Dr. Karen Poehailos,
Yours in Christ,
M.D., a doctor from his parish at the
University of Virginia, to be trained in
NaPro Technology.
Dominican Foundation • Dominican Friars • Province of Saint Joseph
“How was it that YOU came in
contact with the Dominicans?”
Dr. Corgan’s answer involves
him driving by St. Gertrude’s in
Ohio and seeing a solitary, white
habited friar shooting hoops on the
adjacent basketball court. Instead of
driving past, he stopped, struck up a
conversation with Fr. Benedict Croell,
O.P., and